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Administrative Unit Assessment

Clayton State University administrative support units are assessed annually. The Office of the Provost supports this assessment and provides reports to the president. Each unit engages in a cycle of annual effectiveness review by submitting report no later than July 1 for the previous fiscal year to the Office of Accreditation and Institutional Effectiveness. The Office of the Provost reviews the plans and provides written feedback. Next, during July and August, the unit lead(s) meet with the president to discuss results and plan for the upcoming year. This planning facilitates evidence-based, data-based decision-making for the upcoming year, continuous improvement, and excellent service for the community.

Use this template to create your annual assessment report:

Assessment and Planning for Administrative and Student Services (APASS)

Assistance with assessment planning can be accessed here:

Framework for Assessment

Steps for Administrative Unit Assessment

 Develop a Plan 

  1. Define unit mission and goals that align with the university strategic plan and list activities taken to meet goals. 
  2. Specify the expected office performance outcomes (OPO) and student learning outcomes (SLO), if applicable, and align each to goals of the strategic plan. These are aimed at measuring office performance effectiveness and, if applicable, student learning related to goals of the applicable office. 
  3. Describe measurement methods used to measure each outcome, their appropriateness/validity and the targets for performance or criteria for success for each outcome.
  4. Identify how and when data will be collected.

Collect and Analyze Results 

  1. Collect, review data and report results. 
  2. Analyze and use results to  plan how to improve the outcomes in future reports (Continuous Improvement Action Plan) or identify changes/actions for continuous improvement.

Submit a Report and Develop a Plan

  1. Complete and submit a report.
  2. Meet and reflect on progress.
  3. Implement change/action.