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Engaged Learning Initiative

Clayton State’s Engaged Learning Initiative encourages and equips faculty members to implement High Impact Practices (HIPs) identified by the AAC&U LEAP Initiative.  High Impact Practices require an investment of time and energy over an extended period, where faculty members provide rich, relevant and consistent feedback to their students.  HIPs result in greater student engagement and learning.  Evidence shows that HIPs benefit all students.

The LEAP (Liberal Education and America’s Promise) initiative identifies the following HIPs (please see the following URL for more information about each: :

  • First-Year Seminars and Experiences
  • Common Intellectual Experiences
  • Learning Communities
  • Writing-Intensive Courses
  • Collaborative Assignments and Projects
  • Undergraduate Research
  • Global Learning
  • Service Learning, Community-Based Learning
  • Internships
  • Capstone Courses and Projects