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Semester Meal Plans | Commuter/Block Plans | Faculty/Staff Plans | Dining Dollars | FAQ

Meal Plans designed with you in mind

Meal plans are your best value for dining on campus. The Lakeside Dining Hall, where you will use your meal plan, is an all-you-care-to-eat dining location with a variety of selections including a hot line with meat and vegetarian options and sides, a grill, brick-oven pizza and pastas, a salad bar, a sandwich bar, desserts, and beverages.

Dining Dollars are funds reserved for food purchases at retail dining locations: The Grind, Sub Stand, Lakeside Wild Wings, and Chick-fil-A Express (fall and spring semesters only). Dining Dollars offer flexibility and variety and are included with most meal plans. Dining Dollar purchases are tax-exempt, saving you 8% sales tax on every transaction. Dining Dollar plans may also be purchased separately. See the Dining Dollar section below for more information.

Three ways to purchase a meal plan

Housing Contract

First time, full-time freshmen living in Laker Hall floors 1-3 are required to select one of the Semester Plan options below on their Housing contract. Upperclassmen residents on the 4th floor of Laker Hall are required to purchase a minimum Bock 50+ meal plan.

Fall 2024 and Spring 2025, first-time Laker Village residents are required to purchase a Block 50+ or greater plan as part of their Housing contract. Existing Laker Village residents are exempt from the meal plan requirement for the 2024-2025 academic year but are encouraged to purchase a plan. (**Note: Beginning Fall 2025, all Laker Village residents will be required to purchase a minimum Block 50+ meal plan.)


Purchase a meal plan or Dining Dollar plan online at LakerCard Online using credit or debit. Meal plans may also be purchased online using available Financial Aid during the days of Bookstore Bucks at the beginning of Fall and Spring semesters.

In Person

Visit the LakerCard Center in Edgewater Hall  to purchase a meal plan using credit/debit or cash.

Purchase a meal plan

Meal Plan Options for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025

Semester Meal Plans

Semester meal plans are selected on the Housing Contract and are automatically billed to your student account. Blue Plus and Blue plans reset every week. Unused meals are forfeited and do not carry forward to the next semester. Unused Dining Dollars carry forward to the following spring semester. At the end of the spring semester, unused Dining Dollars are refunded based on the Dining Dollar refund policy near the bottom of this page.

- Additional days of service to cover most holidays and breaks
- Unlimited daily swipes
- Free To-Go container

Blue Plus

$2,472.00 per semester

  • UNLIMITED daily swipes per week at the Lakeside Dining Hall
    (NOTE: swipes may only be used for meal plan holder, not for guests)
  • $50 Dining Dollars
  • Five guest meals per semester


$2,422.00 per semester

  • UNLIMITED daily swipes per week at the Lakeside Dining Hall
    (NOTE: swipes may only be used for meal plan holder, not for guests)
  • Five guest meals per semester

Commuter/Block Meal Plans

Commuter/Block Meal Plans are required for some residents as part of the Housing contract and are billed to your student account.
Commuter/Block Meal Plans are also available to commuter students. Unused meal swipes from Fall semester carry forward to the following Spring semester. Unused swipes expire at the end of that Spring semester. Unused Dining Dollars carry forward to the following spring semester. At the end of the spring semester, unused Dining Dollars are refunded based on the Dining Dollar refund policy near the bottom of this page.

- Free membership in the To-Co container program with the purchase of any Semester plan, 75+, 50+, or 25+ plan.

75 plus


  • 75 meal swipes at the Lakeside Dining Hall
  • $125 Dining Dollars

50 plus


  • 50 meal swipes at the Lakeside Dining Hall
  • $100 Dining Dollars

25 plus


  • 25 meal swipes at the Lakeside Dining Hall
  • $75 Dining Dollars



  • 5 meal swipes at the Lakeside Dining Hall
  • No Dining Dollars



  • 10 meal swipes at the Lakeside Dining Hall during Breakfast only
  • No Dining Dollars

Faculty/Staff Meal Plans

Faculty/Staff Meal Plans are available to all employees. (Leftover meal swipes from Fall semester roll over to the next Spring semester and expire at the end of that Spring semester.)

- Free membership in the To-Co container program with the purchase of a  Faculty/Staff 25 plan.


$42.40 +tax

  • 5 meal swipes at the Lakeside Dining Hall
  • No Dining Dollars

Faculty/Staff 25

$204.50 + tax

  • 25 meal swipes at the Lakeside Dining Hall
  • No Dining Dollars


$64.50 + tax

  • 10 meal swipes at the Lakeside Dining Hall during Breakfast only
  • No Dining Dollars

Dining Dollar Plans

Dining Dollar plans are available to all students. If you don’t have a meal plan, purchase Dining Dollars to take advantage of the 8% sales tax savings. If you have a meal plan with Dining Dollars, you can purchase additional Dining Dollars at any time. Unused Dining Dollars carry forward to the following spring semester. At the end of the spring semester, unused Dining Dollars are refunded based on the Dining Dollar refund policy near the bottom of this page.

250 Dining Dollars


100 Dining Dollars


25 Dining Dollars



**Dining Dollars are not available for use at the Loch Shop, Loch’s Nest, or vending machines.

Dining Dollar Refunds

Unused Dining Dollars from fall semester carry forward to spring semester. Unused Dining Dollars at the end of spring semester will be refunded to the student account. If a debt to the University exists on the student account, the debt will be satisfied, and any remaining credit balance of $10 or more will be refunded based upon your refund preference through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Issuance of refunds may take up to fourteen (14) business days.

Meal Plan Refund Policies


To-Go Container

NEW BEGINNING FALL 2024: Free membership in the To-Co container program with the purchase of any Semester plan, 75+, 50+, 25+ plan or a Faculty/Staff 25 Plan! Bring your used container to the Dining Hall and we will swap it out for a clean container. The containers are BPA free and dishwasher safe. First container is free; replacement containers are $15 each and can be purchased at the Lakeside Dining Hall. One container per customer, per swipe. Containers are intended for guests choosing to not dine in the Dining Hall. They cannot be used to take leftovers from dining in or an additional meal.

Meal Plan FAQ

Meal Swipes: For use at the Lakeside Dining Hall. One swipe = One meal

Dining Dollars: Can be used at any on-campus retail dining location. (Including Lakeside Dining Hall, Lakeside Wild Wings, The Grind, Sub Stand, and Chick-Fil-A Express) 

It depends on your meal plan...
- Semester Plans: No. Unused meal swipes are forfeited each week and do not carry forward to spring. Unused Dining Dollars do carry forward.
- Commuter/Block plans: Yes. Unused Meal Swipes and Dining Dollars from Fall semester carry forward to Spring semester and expire at the end of that Spring semester.

You have two options:
- Purchase online at
- Purchase in-person at the LakerCard Center in Edgewater Hall. 
NOTE: Purchasing with Bookstore Bucks is only available during Bookstore Bucks days at the beginning of Fall and Spring Semesters.

You have two options:
- Purchase online at
- Purchase in-person at the LakerCard Center in Edgewater Hall. You may use credit/debit or cash for in-person purchases. 

You will need your LakerCard to use your meal plan. Visit the LakerCard Center in Edgewater Hall if you don't have a LakerCard or need a replacement card.

A request to have a meal plan removed can be placed by emailing: . Your request will be reviewed and typically can take 1-2 business days for you to receive a response. *Please note that Laker Hall residents are required to purchase a residential meal plan.

Purchase a meal plan

Questions about meal plans or purchasing a meal plan?


Call: (678) 466-4215

Visit Us:

LakerCard Center

Edgewater Hall, Second Floor, Located in the Bursar's Office

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