Grant Application Submittal Process
All proposals for sponsored research and other scholarly projects must be deemed consistent with the mission of the University by the Principal Investigator/Project Director’s Department Head/Associate Dean, Dean, and Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Budget Office, the Vice President of Business Operations and the President. Once approved, the proposal becomes an official University proposal to be submitted to the funding agency.
Clayton State’s official proposal submittal process guidelines:
The Preliminary Proposal Review Questionnaire includes an abstract of the proposed project and approximate budget and other information pertaining to the grant. The survey notifies all necessary staff of your intent to submit a proposal.
A minimum of 30 business days prior to the funding agency deadline for the proposal, the Preliminary Proposal Review Questionnaire should be submitted to the relevant Department Head, who will review the information to determine if the proposal is consistent with the mission and priorities of the department. If approved, the investigator will be notified of the approval to proceed with preparing the proposal for submission.
If the proposed work is deemed consistent with the mission of the University, the Department Head/Associate Dean and/or Dean will assist the Principal Investigator/Project Director in the preparation of the proposal narrative. The Budget Office will assist the Principal Investigator/Project Director with budget development and interpretation of financial guidelines for the proposal.
Proposals requiring the waiver of indirect costs or other institutional commitments will also require the approval of the Vice President Business and Operations. The Budget Office will work with you to submit the request for approval.
The Final Proposal Review Sheet process begins a minimum of 5 business days prior to the funding agency deadline. The Final Proposal Review Sheet along with a draft copy of the proposal narrative and budget for the proposed scope of work must be submitted to the Department Head/Associate Dean and Dean for approval.
If necessary, the Department Head/Associate Dean will assist the Principal Investigator/Project Director with fine-tuning of the proposal narrative and budget draft. The Budget Office is available to also assist with budget revisions.
A minimum of 3 business days prior to the funding agency deadline, the Final Proposal Review Sheet together with the final proposal and budget must be submitted for review and signature approval to the Department Head/Associate Dean and Dean, the Budget Office, Provost/Vice President of Business Operations and President.
The Department Chair and faculty or the Budget Office will take the lead in securing final review/approval signatures. When the President approves the proposal, it becomes an official University proposal that can be submitted to the funding agency. After the Department Chair or faculty submits the proposal to funding agency, the original signed Preliminary and Final Review Sheets together with the final proposal narrative and budget must be sent to the Budget Office, and you maintain a file copy.