Alumni Spotlight: Tatiana Bradley
(August 19, 2020) - I chose to attend CSU for numerous of reasons. The most obvious reasons were the close proximity to home and the city, the slightly lower USG tuition rates, and the student to professor ratio -which made it easier for me to learn. The natural beauty of the campus and the various demographic groups of the student and faculty body were added bonuses.
Talk to me about your experience as a student? What student activities were you involved in? What impact did that involvement have on you and your experience? Were there any professors or staff who made an impact on you?
Overall, I would say that I had a highly, positive and actively, engaging undergrad experience. Reflecting back over the years, I can honestly say that if there was an event, 9 times out of 10 I was there. I participated and served as a member in numerous student activities such as Student African American Sisterhood, Laker Orientation Leader, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., NAACP, Campus Events Council, Student Government Association, Interfaith Leadership Ambassador Program, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, Fraternity & Sorority Council, Diversity & Leadership Conference, CSU Cheerleader, Laker Hall Resident Assistant, student worker, CSU's College of Arts & Science Strategic Planning Committee, CSU's Homecoming Committee, CSU's Hearing Panel, L3 Summit Leader, and CSU's Nessie mascot. The impact of my involvement has contributed to how I operate in my professional career field; I know how to multitask and manage my time wisely and I can communicate effectively and efficiently to my coworkers using verbal, non-verbal, visual and written techniques. Not only did my various organizations help to shape me into who I am today, but a few faculty and staff assisted in my collegiate matriculation such as Natasha Hutson, Erica Jackson Taylor, Amber Bradberry, Billy Evans, Alton Walker, Nikki Sawyer, LaShanda Hardin, and Atawanna Royal Baxter.
That’s awesome. Those are some familiar names around campus. Some of them are alumni. Tell me about your professional career. What do you do? Was this your first job? How did you get to where you’re at now?
Currently, I am a biologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). I work in the NCEZID (National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases) branch cultivating cell lines and producing media and buffers orders for national testing of mainstream diseases and for research purposes at various CDC locations. Two months after graduating from CSU, I worked as a fulltime Marriott employee serving a hostess at the Sundial Restaurant & Bar before landing this job a month later. I like to believe that I got where I am through my determination, persistent attitude, and willingness to accept and apply constructive criticism but I really owe my success to God and my support system of family and friends that encouraged and motivated me to be the best that I can be while remaining humble.
Humility is key! Tell me, what made you first want to get involved in the Alumni Association, attend events?
Being involved as an undergrad student, I wanted to continue my service and dedication to and for Clayton State. Just because I graduated, I did not want for my philanthropy to end so I decided to join the Alumni Association to stay active within the community and to encourage, motivate, and mentor college students.
How did you first get involved with the Young Alumni Council?
I think I first got involved with the Young Alumni Council in 2018. Dr. Hutson introduced me to Michael Little (the director of Alumni Affairs) at the 2018 Homecoming tailgate. Due to him being new to CSU, we discussed different ways on how to generate interest for alumni members to join the association and how we can bridge the gap between current students and alumni. Michael really helped me to see that my service to my alma mater didn't end at graduation and he encouraged me to continue doing what I love on a graduate level by assisting with the Young Alumni Council.
That sounds like some serious networking! What was one of the most memorable moments of being an undergrad student?
My most memorable moment of my undergraduate term was the 2017 Student Leadership and Involvement Awards. I was awarded the Laker Vision Award by my mentors, Billy Evans and Natasha Hutson. To me, this award signified that I had somewhat created a legacy at Clayton State and it showcased the influence that I had upon my peers and the campus. I didn't get involved in student activities for recognition or for "popularity" purposes. I got involved to make a different and to create change while stimulating friendships and connections. So to be recognized for this award based on my accomplishments from freshman to senior year was a very proud moment for me.
Wow. Congratulations on that award. Why do you think other alumni should get involved with the Alumni Association?
Honestly, why wouldn't alumni want to be involved with the Alumni Association? It's an opportunity for individuals to fellowship with one another and possibly share feedback on everyday experiences that we all may struggle with. It provides a close knit community where we can reflect on the growth of becoming individuals - and how Clayton State contributed to that growth.