The Plan

Foundational Capabilities
To achieve our three-year vision, Clayton State University will strengthen and develop critical skillsets, resources, technology, and other assets:
- Achieving Financial Sustainability
- Advancing Operational Excellence
- Enhancing University Well-Being
- Strengthening Reputation and Brand Awareness
Each of these foundational capabilities includes a representative set of signature initiatives as well as representative success measures to track our progress.
Promoting long-term financial health through revenue diversification, responsible stewardship of resources, and optimized management of University assets.
- Identify opportunities for revenue diversification including increasing fundraising from individuals, corporations, and foundations, as well as seeking grants and contracts to support funding institutional priorities.
- Promote responsible stewardship of University resources through appropriate expenditure management and the ongoing reallocation of resources to our highest priorities.
- Unlock the potential of under-utilized assets where the University has considerable capital investment to advance strategic priorities.
- Total Revenues Year-over-year
- Operating Expenditures per FTE
- Amount of Private Funds
- Corporate and Foundation Giving
- Number of Successful Grants and Contracts
- Amount of Additional Funding from Grants and Contracts
Increasing effectiveness in processes to provide excellent faculty, staff, and student-centered service across the institution.
- Complete a process and policy review to identify barriers and increase process efficiencies both within and across units.
- Establish service level agreements for operating units to improve customer service.
- Promote a data-driven culture through creation of standards for collection, management, reporting, and utilization of data.
- Reimagine traditional ways of working and serving students by increasing campus communications, cross-training staff, and focusing on stakeholder outcomes.
- Time-to-response and Time-to-solution
- Service Level Attainment
- Student Surveys
- Number of Business Processes Improved
- Number of Business Processes Digitized
- Number of Policies Contained within the Policy Library
- Number of Report Requests Fulfilled
- Number of Employee Logins to a Data Insight Tool or Dashboard
- Number of Community-Developed Reports
Ensuring high levels of morale and engagement among faculty, staff, and students through campus activities, professional development, and support services.
- Cultivate faculty and staff growth through enhanced professional development and training opportunities, mentorship, and career planning.
- Foster a supportive and inclusive environment through mental and physical health programming and support.
- Promote campus vibrancy and engagement through expanded and improved University events and communications.
- Employee Turnover Rate
- Faculty, Staff, and Student Satisfaction and Belonging
- Faculty and Staff Participation in Professional Development
- National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
Creating clear and compelling messages about the value proposition of a Clayton State University education and amplifying those messages to targeted audiences.
- Create a communications strategy and calendar to increase the responsiveness and timeliness of University communications.
- Empower Enrollment Management to own the design and delivery of targeted marketing campaigns to prospective students.
- Promote a unified and consistent Clayton State University message across all University, department, and unit communications.
- Strengthen the central communications team with responsibility for creation and management of brand templates, tools, and messages.
- Total Enrollment Year-over-year
- Number of Website Visitors
- Email Open Rates
- Number of Social Media Followers
- Number of Recognitions and Awards
- Number of Faculty/Staff Presentations and Conferences

Priority Areas of Focus
Clayton State University will achieve its three-year vision by pursuing four priorities:
- Building Academic and Career Pathways
- Driving Student Success and Social Mobility
- Growing Enrollment
- Increasing Community and Corporate Engagement
Each of these priorities includes a representative set of signature initiatives to advance our vision in these areas over the next three years as well as representative success measures to track our progress.
Promoting academic excellence through high-quality educational experiences and creation of flexible degree pathways linked to workforce needs.
- Design flexible degree pathways that promote student progression and graduation by strengthening academic advising, increasing mentoring, and leveraging technology.
- Evaluate and refresh the curriculum more frequently to increase student engagement and alignment with market demands.
- Expand course and program delivery modalities to increase flexibility and access for students.
- Launch and grow new degree and non-degree programs that address workforce trends.
- Time to Degree
- Degrees Awarded in Key Employment Sectors
- Experiential Learning Participation
- Career and Graduate School Outcomes
- Course and Licensure Exam Pass Rates
Increasing student retention and success at Clayton State University and after graduation through student support services, proactive outreach, and institutional data gathering.
- Design and measure comprehensive student services with a tiered advising and case management support model to build student capacity to persist and graduate.
- Expand alumni network and services including mentoring and continuing education programs.
- Leverage institutional data and predictive modeling to drive student success and retention.
- Retention Rates
- Graduation Rates
- Graduation Rates of Pell-awarded students and first-gen students
- Number of Degrees Awarded
- Career and Graduate School Outcomes
- Median Earnings
- Lifetime Earnings Premium
- Social Mobility Index
Attracting undergraduate and graduate students to Clayton State University through targeted recruitment marketing, financial aid optimization, and the evaluation of program infrastructure.
- Evaluate graduate program infrastructure to facilitate enrollment growth in high demand areas.
- Execute targeted recruitment plan for key audiences including dual-enrollment, adult, and underrepresented populations.
- Finalize and execute Strategic Enrollment Management Plan.
- Optimize and leverage scholarships and financial aid to maximize enrollment and student success outcomes.
- Total Enrollment Year-over-year
- Enrollment of Georgians
- Number of Undergraduate and Graduate Applications
- Admissions Yield
- Conversion Rate for Dual Enrollment Students
- Cost of Attendance
- Average Loan Borrowing
Increasing impact on the State of Georgia and beyond through reciprocal partnerships, faculty scholarship, and economic development.
- Advance faculty scholarship and research through established partnership parameters for community and corporate partnerships.
- Establish a central office to track, coordinate, and expand University partnerships with government, corporations, foundations, and community organizations.
- Launch a President’s Roundtable series convening community and corporate leaders to engage in diverse topics.
- Promote community engagement and economic development through programs that leverage the knowledge and skillsets of faculty, staff, and students to solve real-world problems.
- Number of Community Engaged Teaching, Learning, and Research Activities
- Number of Community Service Hours and Projects Completed
- Number of Individuals Served
- Number of New and Existing Community and Corporate Partnerships