Division of Information Technology and Services
The Division of Information Technology and Services (ITS) provides enterprise information technology services to University students, faculty, and staff. The office provides a robust, stable and reliable infrastructure, while adopting innovative technologies for the physical and virtual classrooms.
ITS provides services to the University through four departments:
- Enterprise Applications is responsible for Clayton State’s information systems including BANNER and all interfaces to or from BANNER.
- Client Services is responsible for hardware and software support for all student and university mobile laptop computers at Clayton State, as well as all University desktops campus-wide. The department also oversees all classroom instructional Audio Visual equipment, audio sound reinforcement, and AV checkout.
- Cybersecurity is responsible for protecting computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access and cyber threats through various technologies, practices, and policies.
- Technology Infrastructure is responsible for all of Clayton State’s mission critical servers, networks, telephones (Avaya), and information security systems.

Jim Pete
Vice President of Information and Technology Services
Contact Us
Information Technology and Services
Phone: (678) 466-4351