Payment FAQs
How soon after I submit an invoice to Accounts Payable is payments sent to the vendor?
After invoice is submitted to the Accounts Payable department please allow 7 to 10
business days for processing of payment.
How will I know when my payment has been issued:
The requester of the payment request can check if a payment has been issued in the
payment request module by viewing the payment request payment status column of the
request. If the payment status reflects paid, the payment has been issued.
How often is payments issued:
Payments are disbursed Monday and Friday every week.
When & where can I pick up my check?
If the vendor is not set up on ACH a check will be issued to the vendor and mailed
out. Only in special circumstances will a check be available for pickup in the bursar
office on check cycle dates.
Can the Supplier pick up their check?
A CSU employee must pick up the check and then distribute it to the Supplier.
Why are checks not sent via campus mail?
Sending checks through campus mail presents a security risk, therefore, all checks
are to be mailed or picked up by an employee of CSU.
What should I do if the vendor does not receive the payment?
If the vendor has not received the check in 15 business days please contact the Accounts
Payable department via email in order for the department to further research the issue
and work with the vendor to resolve the issue.
How do I set up a vendor to receive ACH?
Please contact the Accounts Payable department to set up a vendor on ACH versus check.