Call for Papers
- Download Call for Papers in PDF Format
- Download Conference Flyer in PDF Format
To submit your abstract, you need to open an account through following steps:
Click on My Account at the top right, then click on Register to open an account (no payment required). You will receive an email confirming your account. Click on the link in that email and log onto the conference website. On top of the registration page choose Add Abstract/Poster/Paper, specify the general and specific categories of your work, and upload your abstract in PDF format. An abstract is between 300 to 500 words and includes the main goal/research question, methodology, and findings/ recommendations/applications. Students should choose Student Competition Submission if they want to enter this competition; winners will receive awards from organizing societies.
Submission system is open now, and will close on May 15, 2013. The review process starts immediately after submission on a first come first serve basis and decisions of accept/reject will be posted on the conference website no later than May 25, accessible on My Account.
To submit a session:
Please have your authors upload their abstracts on the conference website (instructions above). The session organizer shall send an email to co-chairs listing the papers & authors for her/his session. Session papers are approved by the session organizer and the acceptance of session means acceptance of its papers.