Advanced Certificate in Creative Writing in the Digital Age
The Certificate in Creative Writing in the Digital Age will develop skilled writers who are technologically savvy by providing them with knowledge and skills necessary to create, publish, and market creative works.
This program will take students beyond traditional creative writing by introducing them to the production of digital content for multi-platform delivery. The certificate will prepare students for careers such as web content writer, digital copywriter, professional blogger, social media specialist, editorial assistant, magazine journalist, columnist, writer/author, creative director, publishing copyeditor/proofreader, and other professions in education, the arts, public relations, and business, especially the publishing business.
Students in this program will achieve the following outcomes:
Graduates of this program will be able to:
- Engage the creative process with experimentation and problem solving to produce original works in multiple genres.
- Interpret the effects of technical craft elements in published literary works.
- Acquire expertise in designing digital and print texts.
- Apply the peer review workshop process to explore, develop, and revise original writing.
- Demonstrate social responsibility and ethical behavior toward the creation of original works in a culturally diverse world.
- Create an e-portfolio composed of traditional creative writing pieces and content for digital/multi-platform delivery.
Contact Us

Dr. Mary Lamb
Department Chair