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Parking Services Rules and Regulations

Information contained in this policy is intended as a guide for vehicle operations and parking on property owned or controlled by Clayton State University. Parking regulations are subject to change. Current parking regulations will be available in the Parking Services Office. It is the responsibility of each individual who operates a motor vehicle on the Clayton State University campus to know, understand, and comply with all Parking Regulations.  Clayton State University does not assume any responsibility for vehicles operated and/or parked on campus. Vehicles operated and/or parked on the Clayton State University campus will be at the risk of the owner/operator.

For any questions or concerns regarding Parking services, rules, regulations and fees, please contact our NON-EMERGENCY number at (678) 466-4044.

The Department of Public Safety is responsible for coordinating the enforcement of all Parking Regulations and state traffic Laws on the Clayton State University campus. Clayton State University reserves the right to regulate the use of all parking facilities for the exclusive use of designated groups and/or individuals participating in University sponsored events.

All faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students must register their vehicle with Parking Services and obtain a permit to park on Clayton State University property, including satellite locations such as CSU-Fayette.

Faculty, Staff, and Students may register their vehicle in person at Parking Services located in Edgewater Hall room 207 or online.

Registration Fee

Student parking permits are included in the fees paid with tuition and no additional payment is needed at the time of registration.

Faculty and Staff permits are payroll deducted twice a year (in September and February) based upon the salary of the employee.  View the fee schedule.

Owners and/or authorized operators are responsible for reporting any changes in ownership or license plate/tag information to Parking Services within two (2) business days.

Students taking only online classes are not charged the standard parking fee but must have register their vehicle to park on campus for $10.00 per semester at Parking Services in Edgewater Hall.

Vendors and contractors who will be parking on campus on a short-term basis are required to register their motor vehicle with Parking Services at Edgewater Hall to obtain a temporary parking permit. Temporary parking permits are free and will not exceed 14 days.  Temporary permits will be displayed on the driver’s side dashboard, fully visible through the windshield. 

Vendors or contractors who will be on campus exceeding 14 days are required to register their motor vehicle with Parking Services at Edgewater Hall and cost $20.00.

Required Information

Anyone registering a motor vehicle will be required to provide the following information before a permit is issued:

  1. Name, Laker ID number;
  2. Home address and telephone number;
  3. Make, model, color, year of the vehicle;
  4. License plate number and state; and
  5. For residential students, location of campus residence;
  6. For employees, the department.

Campus Parking Map

Permits issued to faculty, students, or staff are only valid for use by the authorized recipient.

If an applicant for a parking permit is both a student and an employee (not including student workers, interns, federal work study, etc.) then they will be issued a faculty/staff parking permit.

Permits are categorized as follows:

  1. STUDENT – an active Clayton State University student (to include satellite Campuses and on-line students). This includes currently enrolled students who are graduate assistants, student assistants, work study, or other employment designed for students.
    1. Students must park in designated student parking areas.
  2. RESIDENTIAL STUDENT – a currently enrolled student assigned as a resident to one of CSU Housing facilities.
    1. Residential students must park in their appropriate Residential Facility park lots.
  3. FACULTY & STAFF – All employees actively employed by CSU, including part-time employees.
    1. Faculty and Staff must park in designated faculty and staff parking lots.
  4. VENDOR & CONTRACTOR – individuals who work on campus but are not directly employed by CSU, including vendor employed dining services and bookstore employees.
    1. This permit allows a vendor of contractor to park in employee parking.
  5. VISITOR – individuals who are not current employees, currently enrolled students, contractors, vendors, alum, or retirees.
    1. Visitor permits are only valid for the designated visitor parking spaces.
    2. Visitor permits will be placed on the driver’s side dashboard, fully visible through the windshield.
    3. Visitors may request a permit online at:

  6. EVENT PARKING – Events, conferences, and workshops are an integral part of the campus environment and need advance planning with Parking Services.
    1. Due to limited parking availability, a notification to Parking Services must be made at least two weeks prior to the event.
    2. Parking Services will provide an event permit to the host; the host will be responsible for making copies and distributing them to the guest.
  7. RETIREES - Clayton State University retirees will receive a parking permit as part of the retirement package.
    1. The permit will allow retirees to park in Faculty/Staff parking.
    2. Retirees must obtain a faculty/staff permit if they return to work at Clayton State University in any capacity.
  8. ALUM – Individuals who have graduated from Clayton State University with an accredited degree.
    1. This permit allows an individual to park in student parking spaces.
    2. One permit of this type may be purchased by each alum from the Parking Services Office at Edgewater Hall for a one-time cost of $40.
  1. Parking permits that are lost, stolen, or damaged must be immediately reported to the Parking Services Office of the Department of Public Safety.
  2. Lost parking permits can be purchased for a cost of $20.00.
  3. Parking permits that are stolen are replaced at no cost when a police report of the incident is made to the appropriate police agency and provided to the Parking Services Office.

Display of Hangtags

Any vehicle brought onto campus by a faculty, staff, or student must have an active hangtag displayed even if the vehicle is being used on a temporary basis. Parking hangtags should be displayed on the windshield mirror anytime the vehicle is parked on campus. The hangtag must face outward from the vehicle and be unobstructed. If no mirror is available, the hangtag must be placed face-up on the driver-side dashboard where the numbers are visible.

Any vehicle found displaying a hangtag that has been reported lost or stolen will be ticketed and may be towed at the discretion of Parking Services.  In addition, possession of a stolen hangtag may result in criminal prosecution under OCGA § 16-8-7 Theft by Receiving Stolen Property.

Visitor Parking

Designated visitor parking spaces are located throughout campus. These areas can be found on our Parking Map. Upon arrival, come to Edgewater Hall Room 207 to receive a parking pass. Please bring your Driver's License.  Normal business hours are 8:30 am until 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. If a citation is received and the vehicle has not been registered, you will be required to appeal or pay the citation. If you have questions, please call Parking Services at (678) 466-4044.

If reserved spaces or special event parking is needed, send a request at least ten business days in advance to Reserved spaces and special event parking requests are granted at the discretion of the Chief of Police.

Visitors may request a permit online at

ADA Accessibility Parking Requirements

By state law, the person to whom the state-issued Disability License Plate or Disability Placard is issued must be an occupant of the vehicle which displays the license plate or placard. Clayton State University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by providing designated parking spaces for persons with ADA Accessibility requirements. In order for a faculty, staff, or student to park in the designated ADA spaces, they must register their parking accommodation with Parking Services.  All staff, faculty, or students who park in ADA spaces must display their Clayton State University and state ADA parking permits. ADA parking spaces in the University Center restricted lot are available to any ADA employee, students or visitor with a valid ADA license plate or placard in compliance with the law.


The following rules are in place to assist Parking Services with maintaining a safe and orderly environment for all members of the university community.  Violations of these rules may result in the vehicle receiving a Clayton State University parking citation, a state issued citation, the vehicle being towed from the campus at the owner’s expense, or the vehicle being immobilized.

The registered owner/operator of a vehicle is responsible for all fines, late fees and administrative cost, or the filing of appropriate appeals for the violations.

All parking rules and regulations apply 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

  1. Assigned Parking Zones: All vehicles must be parked in designated areas as determined by the type of permit assigned, or in the case of visitors, in a designated visitor or event parking area.
  2. No Parking Areas: Parking is prohibited in designated tow-away zones, at red curb areas, blocking a fire hydrant, on or blocking a sidewalk, or on the grass, lawns, or athletic fields. Violators will be ticketed and may be towed at the discretion of the Parking Services. The absence of a “No Parking” sign does not denote that parking is authorized.
  3. ADA Parking Spaces: Parking is prohibited ADA accessibility spaces without the appropriate tag or placard. No vehicle may block an ADA accessibility ramp, a blue hashed loading area, or a curb cut.  Violators will be ticketed and may be towed at the discretion of the Parking Services.  Vehicles utilizing an ADA tag or placard must be driven or occupied by the person to whom the ADA tag or placard is assigned.
  4. Double Parking: All vehicles must be parked within the lines of an authorized parking space.
  5. Display of Permit: Vehicles must properly display a current parking permit, clearly visible hanging on the rear-view mirror from the exterior of the vehicle with the permit number facing towards the front. Vehicles with no rear-view mirror should display the parking permit face up on the dash that that it is clearly visible.
  6. Non-registered vehicles: Non-registered vehicles having five (5) or more unpaid parking fines may be towed at the discretion of Parking Services.
  7. Fire and Safety Hazards: Vehicles parked in such a manner to create a fire or safety hazard, or obstruct the free flow of traffic, may be towed at the discretion of Parking Services.
  8. Bicycle Parking: Bicycle parking is only permitted in campus bicycle racks. Bicycles must ride with the flow of traffic on the streets. Bicycles are defined as vehicles by the State of Georgia, with the same rights and responsibilities on public roads as motor vehicle drivers. Any bicycle that is found on campus and determined to be abandoned will be removed. 
  9. Motorcycle Parking: Motorcycles are defined as motorized two or three-wheel vehicles with an engine size of 50 cc. or greater. Parking permits are required for motorcycles. Motorcycles must park in a regular parking space and in the same manner as an automobile.  Two motorcycles may park in one vehicle parking space in the appropriate zone. Motorcycles are prohibited from driving on sidewalks or around parking control gates.
  10. Moped Parking: Mopeds are defined as motor-driven cycles with an engine not exceeding 50 cc. Mopeds can only park in bicycle racks on campus.
  11. Motorized Cart Parking: Motorized carts are prohibited from parking in or on areas blocking vehicle or pedestrian traffic, designated ADA spaces, sidewalks, or in any location or in any manner that would impede emergency responders.
  12. University Service and Police/Emergency Vehicle Parking: Service spaces are limited to use by University service vehicles, personal vehicles with valid permits, and contractors/vendors on official business. Police and/or service vehicles may stop or park irrespective of the parking regulations while performing necessary official business. Service vehicles may not be left unattended, blocking a fire hydrant, traffic flow, or access for persons with accessibility needs.
  13. Loading/Unloading: Special parking permissions may be granted by Parking Services for short periods of time for loading and unloading. Reserved spaces near Resident Halls may be used for loading/unloading by resident students living in that Resident Hall.  The maximum length of time for use of loading/unloading spaces is 10 minutes. Violators will be ticketed and may be towed at the discretion of Parking Services. 
  14. Inoperable Vehicles: If a vehicle becomes inoperable, the operator should notify Parking Services (678) 466-4044 as soon as possible. The owner is liable for all parking citations issued before Parking Services is notified. Parking Services does not provide roadside assistance services. The time limit for vehicles inoperable or in a visible need of repair on campus is 48 hours. After 48 hours, the vehicle will be towed from campus at the owner's expense. 
  15. Vehicles designed for living or sleeping: Overnight or extended parking of campers, vans, buses, etc., utilized as living and sleeping quarters within the University's boundaries is not permitted unless approved by the Chief of Police.
  16. Parallel Parking: Parallel parking against the flow of traffic on the street is prohibited. Violators will be ticketed.
  17. Delivery Drivers: Students working as delivery drivers and driving personal cars must park in their normal designated spaces.
  18. University Center Restricted Lot: The University Center (UC) parking lot will be open for all students, staff, and faculty from 6pm to midnight each day from Monday through Friday. In addition, the UC lot will be open 24 hours for parking on Saturdays and Sundays. The President and President's Guests parking spaces (marked with signs) will continue to be restricted 24/7, and vehicles parked in those spaces are at risk of being cited and impounded. Outside these new open hours, the University Center parking lot will remain restricted, and violators are subject to being cited and impounded. As always, ADA parking spaces are availble for anyone with a valid ADA tag or placard in accordance with Georgia law. 
  19. Electric Vehicle (EV) Reserved Charging Spaces: These publicly available spaces are reserved for EVs only. EVs must be in active session (connected to the charger) to use the spaces. Non-electric vehicles or EVs not in active session are subject to citation and impoundment.
  20. Campus Speed Limit: No motor vehicle may exceed the speed limit of 20mph on the campus, unless otherwise posted.
  21. Pedestrians have the right of way: Vehicles are required to stop for pedestrian traffic.
  22. Timed Parking Areas: Vehicles parked in timed parking spaces cannot exceed the posted time limit. Vehicles may not be moved from one timed parking space to another in an attempt to circumvent timed restrictions.
  23. Conformance to Traffic Control Personnel: All vehicle operators are required to obey the directions of any CSU personnel who is directing traffic, controlling access to parking and/or roadways.
  24. Overnight Parking: Vehicles may not be left on campus overnight without prior authorization from the Department of Public Safety Office.  Motorists must complete an overnight form and submit it in advance to the Department of Public Safety.  In addition, motorists must also notify the Department of Public Safety in the event a vehicle is left on campus that has become inoperable.

All Georgia traffic laws are in effect on the Clayton State University campus.  Traffic citations can be issued for these violations and may be contested through the appropriate court system.

OCGA § 44-1-13 authorizes Clayton State University to tow a vehicle parked on its property. 


Vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense from campus for the following reason:

  1. The vehicle has accumulated more than five (5) unpaid citations;
  2. The vehicle creates a nuisance or causes inconvenience to another person;
  3. The vehicle is parked in a manner that obstructs, hinders, or otherwise creates a hazard, real or potential;
  4. The vehicle is parked in a tow zone or reserved space or in a loading/unloading area or loading/unloading dock in violation of these regulations;
  5. Violation of any parking rules/regulation or state law;
  6. An abandoned vehicle on campus;
  7. The vehicle is listed as belonging to an individual whose parking privileges have been restricted, suspended and/or revoked; or
  8. The vehicle is not properly registered with the Parking Service Office.

Operation of a vehicle on the Clayton State University campus is a privilege and may be revoked at any time without a refund of the parking fee.  Individuals are subject to having their campus parking privileges restricted, revoked and/or suspended without the refund of the parking fees for the following reasons:

  1. Failure to answer a written notice regarding a parking citation;
  2. Driving while under the influence of alcohol/drugs;
  3. Failure to comply with campus regulations, and city and state laws;
  4. Failure to pay traffic fines/fees in a timely manner;
  5. Receiving seven (7) citations within ninety days;
  6. Receiving fifteen (15) citations in one academic year.  Parking privileges may be restricted, suspended and/or revoked for one year from the date of the fifteenth (15th) citation.

Notification of restricted, suspended and/or revoked parking privileges will be made by letter from the Parking Services Office to the individuals’ Clayton State University email address.  For non-affiliated individuals, the notice will be mailed to the address listed on the vehicle’s registration.  Confirmation of receipt of the letter is not necessary to initiate suspension or revocation of parking privileges.

Any person whose parking privileges have been restricted, suspended and/or revoked must return their parking permit to the Parking Services Office for the period required.  Failure to surrender a parking permit to the Parking Services Office will result in a hold being placed on the individual’s academic record until the permit is surrendered.

Fines and payments must be paid to the Bursar’s Office located on the second floor of Edgewater Hall.  Failure to pay citation fines/parking fees will result in a student being prohibited from registering for classes, transcripts being withheld, or being unable to graduate.

View the fines for specific violations

The Department of Public Safety will not issue refunds for fees related to parking.

Appeals may be submitted to the Parking Services Office within ten (10) business days from the date the citation was issued (online or in-person to Public Safety located in Edgewater Hall, floor 2, room 207).  View the parking appeal form

Parking Appeals Committee

The Parking Appeals Committee is comprised of a minimum of three members of the university community that are not affiliated with the Department of Public Safety.  The committee reviews the submitted appeal form and renders a majority decision to approve, deny, or reduce the fine of the citation.  The Department of Public Safety is not permitted to override the Appeals Committee decisions.

The Committee does not accept the following reasons for appeal:

  1. Lack of knowledge of the parking rules and regulations.
  2. Inability to locate an available authorized parking space.
  3. Never been cited before.
  4. ADA Parking Violations without proof of valid ADA tag or placard at the time the citation was issued.
  5. Late for class or appointment.
  6. Parking in the University Center without prior approval.

The Decision

The Appeal Committee’s decision is final.  After a decision is made the recipient will be notified by email as to the status of the appeal.  Citations that are successfully appealed will be removed from the recipient’s record, and those that are unsuccessful will be due and payable to the Bursar’s Office.

Failure to take action regarding this matter, will result in continued collection efforts. Your vehicle may be subject to the following action:

  • Towing & Impoundment of your vehicle

For employees that do not drive to campus and will not need a parking permit, fill out the self-certification form.  Filling out the self-certification form will exempt an employee from paying the employee parking registration fee.

Self-Certification will be approved only for the following reasons:

  1. I do not drive on the campus of Clayton State University.
  2. I do not park a vehicle of any type on the campus.
  3. I carpool with a CSU employee that has a permit.
  4. I carpool with a non-CSU driver who does not park on campus.
  5. I walk, skate, bike, etc. to work and do not use a parking space.
  6. I use public transportation.
  7. I use a ride drop off service such as Lift/Uber.

Employee who knowingly and willfully make a false or fraudulent statements to the University System of Georgia regarding this certification may be charged under state law (O.C.G.A Section 16-10-20 False Statements), and if convicted, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000.00 or by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years, or both.

In addition, citations issued to an employee who has submitted a self-certification are not appealable.