Division of University Advancement
Inform. Involve. Invest.
These three words summarize what the University Advancement division sets out to accomplish for Clayton State University each day. As the voice of the University, we partner with those in our community, both internally and externally, who seek to make the dreams of countless students real.
The division supports the mission of Clayton State University by building ongoing relationships with alumni, students, faculty, staff, friends, corporations, and foundations; generating financial resources; and promoting the University’s strategic messages to various audiences.
Through the University website, Newsroom, Inside Clayton State, and publications, it is our responsibility to tell the story of Clayton State University and its students, faculty, and staff.
Whether it’s a press release to a major media outlet, connecting a faculty expert with a journalist or sharing important information with the campus regarding upcoming events, we are here to increase the visibility and awareness of Clayton State throughout our community.
With an alumni community of more than 25,000, our graduates are spread throughout Georgia and across the country. Year-round activities including Homecoming, serving as a mentor, speaking to a class or attending a networking event in the Atlanta metro area are just some of the ways we keep our alumni engaged with Clayton State.
Dreams are only made possible by the outstanding relationship we have built with donors—the individuals, businesses and foundations that want to invest in our students, our faculty, and our programs by making a gift.
Those gifts impact our broad educational programs in high-demand industries such as Supply Chain Management, Nursing, and Information Technology, just to name a few.
And with a significant number of our students being the first in their family to graduate from college, financial support we receive is an investment in the next-generation of leaders who will change the world.
Clayton State University is a special place. We have been fortunate to see great growth in this area and are grateful to all those who have and continue to support Clayton State in this way.

Montrese Adger Fuller
Vice President for Advancement and Strategic Initiatives
Contact Us
Phone: (678) 466-4464