Admissions Appeal Process
Applicants for undergraduate admission who are denied due to academic ineligibility (see current Academic Catalog and Student Handbook) may be reviewed by the Admissions Appeals Committee for “limited” admission. Students admitted in this status may have restrictions imposed as a condition for admission.
An application for admission must be submitted to Clayton State University before an appeal can be considered.
Students may appeal based on the following reasons:
- A denied applicant received a higher test score or obtained a higher GPA and wishes to be re-evaluated through submission of updated documents.
- A denied applicant has compelling reasons that clarify or explain academic ineligibility.
To begin the appeal process, applicants should submit the Admissions Appeal Form.
Dual Enrollment and Graduate admissions decisions may not be appealed.
Submit the Admissions Appeal Form with a typed essay (750 words or less) addressed to the Admission Appeal Committee. The essay must answer the following two (2) questions. The applicant may attach documentation as appropriate to support the appeal. Handwritten letters will not be reviewed.
- “Other than academic pursuits, discuss a long-term goal that you have established and accomplished. In this essay, please discuss why the goal was important to you, any setbacks or challenges you faced, and the method you used to overcome those challenges.”
- “Why do you believe you have the potential for academic success at Clayton State, even though you did not meet all the admission requirements? Discuss the reasons for any previous academic difficulties, indicating why those problems are unlikely to reoccur, and detailing your plans for academic success in the future.”
*The applicant may also provide evidence of other accomplishments (i.e. resume, certificates earned, licenses held, etc.).
Fall: August 1
Spring: December 15
Summer: May 1
The committee will decide if the appeal packet documents warrant changes to the student’s admission decision. The decision of the Committee is final and shall be updated in the DUCK (in the Other Student Services section, click Admissions Status Checker to view current status) and mailed to the address indicated on the original admission application. Applicants may appeal once, and decisions resulting from an appeal are final. Application fees are non-refundable regardless of the result of an appeal.
Students admitted in this status may have restrictions imposed as a condition of admission.
Frequently Asked Questions
*Dual Enrollment and Graduate admissions decisions may not be appealed.
*Dual Enrollment and Graduate admissions decisions may not be appealed.
The Admission Appeals Committee is made up of Clayton State University faculty and staff from a variety of units across the campus. The committee shall consist of a minimum of five members. The Admissions Appeals Committee will review all documents submitted by the student for their appeal.
Be sure to answer all parts of the appeal form and include all extracurricular activities, community service, work experience, accomplishments, or other pertinent activities achieved throughout high school.
- “Other than academic pursuits, discuss a long-term goal that you have established and accomplished. In this essay, please discuss why the goal was important to you, any setbacks or challenges you faced, and the method you used to overcome those challenges.”
- “Why do you believe you have the potential for academic success at Clayton State, even though you did not meet all the admission requirements? Discuss the reasons for any previous academic difficulties, indicating why those problems are unlikely to reoccur, and detailing your plans for academic success in the future.”
If you have questions about the Admissions Appeal process, contact admissions@clayton.edu or call (678) 466-4115. Please include your Laker ID in your message.