IJCS Manuscript Submission
Send all manuscripts and the revisions to the editor
International Journal of Contemporary Sociology
Bryan Robinson, PhD
Clayton State University
2000 Clayton State Blvd.
Morrow, GA 30260
Manuscript Formatting Guidelines
Manuscripts should be submitted by email as an attachment in Word format to bryanrobinson@clayton.edu.
Style of References in Text: At the appropriate places in the text, references to books, monographs, articles and other such sources should be identified within parentheses starting with the last name of the author, year of publication, and page number(s). Additional citations to the same source should be cited the same way. Do not use "ibid.," etc. Here are some examples: When author's name is not in the text (Wilke 1979, pp. 10-12). If there are two or three authors, mention all names (Mohan and Wilke 1980, p. 15). For more than three authors use the name of the first author followed by, "et al." For references to the multiple works be the same author(s) identify these by letters a, b, c, etc. attached to the year of publication, e.g. (Wilke 1974a, 1974b).
Style of References: At the end of the manuscript (after the Notes section, if you have any) alphabetically list all references under the heading REFERENCES. Do not abbreviate books, journals, etc. Here are some examples:
Mohan, Raj P. 1975a. "Contemporary Sociology in India." In the
Handbook of Contemporary Developments in World Sociology,
edited by Mohan, Raj P. and Don Martindale. Westport, CT.:
Greenwood Press.
Wilke, Arthur S. 1975. "Family and Civilization: Thirty Years
Later." International Journal of Contemporary Sociology
12 (October), 224-38.
Wilke, Arthur S., ed. 1979. The Hidden Professoriate.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Foreign words and phrases used without quotation marks should be underlined. Hyphens should be indicated by a single hyphen, but dashes by a double hyphen (--). Divisions of words at the end of the line should be avoided.
Abstract: Please supply an abstract of your manuscript in 100-150 words.
Biographical Information: Please supply with the manuscript biographical information on author(s) stressing training, affiliations, publications, etc.
Proofs: Every effort will be made to allow you sufficient time for checking proofs. The publisher reserves the right to charge contributors for the cost of alterations in substance or style after the pages have been sent. To avoid these costs only printing errors should be corrected. Author(s) should keep the editor informed of any changes in their address or academic affiliations so that proofs can be mailed at the proper address.
Reprints: The journal will supply author(s) two copies of the journal in which their manuscript is published. Author(s) can order reprints at the time of checking page proofs. The printing and mailing cost for the reprints will have to be paid in advance.
Editorial address: Manuscripts should be addressed to Bryan Robinson, Clayton State University, 2000 Clayton State Blvd., Morrow, GA 30260, BryanRobinson@clayton.edu. It usually takes 4-8 months for the referee and decision process on a submitted manuscript.
All legal matters related to this publication, including publishing and editorial matters will be subject to the legal jurisdiction of the state of Georgia in United States, the place of its publication.
Last Updated: February 18, 2022