School of Sciences Student Organizations
Enhance your learning experience and meet other students by participating in several student organizations.
American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
AMSA is a student organization that provides support for pre-medical and allied health students.
Biology Club
The Biology Club is not just for biology majors, but for all students who are interested in the field of biology.[PM1]
Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity, and Sustainability (SEEDS)
Our mission is to diversify and advance the profession of ecology by promoting opportunities that stimulate and nurture the interest of students, particularly underrepresented students. All students interested in organismal biology and environmental science are welcome.
Phi Upsilon Chapter of Beta Beta Beta
The Phi Upsilon Chapter of Beta Beta Beta was established at Clayton State on November 10, 2009. The organization promotes greater understanding of biological issues and supports extending what we know of biology through scientific research.
To be a regular member, students are required to complete the biology introductory course sequence, three upper level courses, and to maintain a 3.0 GPA in Biology. Associate members may join following completion of the biology introductory course sequence and maintenance of a 2.5 GPA. Members are required to engage in service and to support research in the biological sciences.
American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
AMSA is a student organization that provides support for pre-medical and allied health students.
Chemistry Club
The Chemistry Club is designed to provide students with opportunities to gain and exchange chemistry knowledge by connecting with professors and peers.
STEM Cell Club
STEM Cell is a general science club that focuses on a broad platform to deliver information to students in all STEM fields.
American Medical Student Association
Contact Dr. Caroline Sheppard for more information
Chemistry Club
Contact Dr. Aubrey Dyer or Dr. John Meyers for more information.