LakerCard FAQ
LakerCard 101 is designed to give you information about your LakerCard that will help you take full advantage of its functionality. Let’s get started…
The LakerCard is your official ID card for Clayton State. In addition to identification, it also provides access to:
- Your LakerBucks and Bookstore Bucks
- The Library
- Meal Plans and Dining Dollars
- Laker Hall and your suite (Laker Hall residents only)
- Laker Village suites (Laker Village Phase 1 residents only)
- Fitness Center
- SAC Game Room
- Other services around campus
Your LakerCard is for your exclusive use. Since it may have money, a meal plan, or access privileges, you should never loan it to anyone else. Any LakerCard presented for use by anyone other than the card owner will be confiscated and sent to the LakerCard Center. The LakerCard Center will return the LakerCard only to the rightful owner of the card. This is for your protection! Abuse of this policy may result in disciplinary action by the Office of Community Standards.
Confused by all the numbers on the LakerCard? Let us explain…
Front of LakerCard
Your LakerID replaces the Social Security Number (SSN) as your unique identifying number. It is printed as a convenience on the front of your card. You will use this number to log in to The DUCK and for other services around campus.
Library ID Number
Your LakerID number also functions as your Library ID number. This number is used in the CSU Library, and it also works in the statewide Library network to reserve materials from other universities in Georgia.
Back of LakerCard
ISO or Card Number
This number begins with '352710' or '352719'. It is unique to your current card and will change if you ever get a replacement card. It’s encoded on the magnetic stripe and ensures that previous versions of your card can no longer be used.
Issue Date This is the date your card was printed
Your LakerCard is an important piece of identification that you need with you whenever you’re on campus. Take care of it!
- Don’t bend the card. Card readers cannot read a bent card
- Don’t launder your LakerCard. Static in the dryer will demagnetize your card.
- Don’t use your LakerCard as an ice scraper. We know…we rarely ever have ice, but in case we do…
- Don’t use your LakerCard to “jimmy open” a door. It could damage the card.
- Don’t punch holes in your card to attach keys. This could damage the magnetic stripe.
Replacement cards may be purchased at the LakerCard Center. The charge for a student’s first replacement card is $5.00. Each replacement card purchased after that will be charged an additional $5.00, each time a replacement card is purchased. For example, the 3rd replacement card purchased will cost $15.00. Replacement cards for damaged cards (normal wear and tear) or legal name changes (marriage, divorce, etc.) are issued at no charge.
Terms & Conditions
- Cardholder agrees that the LakerCard is the property of Clayton State University and can be confiscated from bearer as a result of inappropriate conduct or use. Use of the LakerCard is subject to all terms, conditions, rules, and regulations.
- You must present your LakerCard at the time of use to obtain services. Your card and related accounts and account balances are not transferable. Any misuse or illegal transactions can result in privilege suspension. Except as provided below, you are responsible for the usage of your card.
- The LakerBucks Account is an optional account of pre-deposited funds accessed by the cardholder for products and services on campus. Cash withdrawals from the LakerBucks account are not allowed at any time, except upon withdrawal from the University or upon graduation (see Closing Account/Issuing Refunds of Account Balance).
- Cardholder’s LakerBucks Account will be activated automatically upon receipt of the
initial deposit. Minimum deposits in the LakerCard Center:
- Cash: minimum $1.00
- Check: $5.00
- Minimum credit card deposit online: $5.00
- In the event a cardholder’s deposit check is returned due to insufficient funds, a $30.00 service fee will be assessed by the University’s Bursar Office and the cardholder’s LakerBucks Account and remaining funds will be suspended until the amount of the returned check and the $30.00 service fee have been paid. The LakerCard Center complies with the University’s returned check policy: after two returned checks, no more checks are accepted from the student. Only cash, debit, or credit card will be accepted.
- In addition to the LakerCard Center, deposits may be made online and at any Account
Management Center (AMC) on campus. Online options
- LakerCard Online
- LakerCard Mobile
- Library (upper level near Galileo workstations)
- University Center (adjacent to LakerCard Center and ATMs)
- Pre-deposited funds shall be applied toward amounts debited from your LakerBucks Account for goods and services obtained at points of sale. All vending locations have a $10.00 daily spending limit when using the LakerCard. At all other locations, there is no daily limit to the number or amounts of purchases, provided funds are available in your LakerBucks Account. The cardholder understands and agrees that the LakerBucks Account is not a credit card, nor can it be used to obtain cash from the account under any circumstances.
- If the cardholder’s LakerBucks Account balances goes below zero as a result of a system problem or one of its readers being offline, the cardholder remains responsible for repayment of any negative balance. In the event of a negative balance, the cardholder will be contacted in writing either by mail or by email stating the negative balance amount and other pertinent information. A statement showing the transaction(s) and location(s) will be provided upon request. All negative balances must be reconciled at the LakerCard Center. When a deposit is made to an account with a negative balance, the negative balance will be automatically satisfied before making any funds available.
- Merchandise purchased with the LakerCard will be accepted for return according to the refund policy in force where the products and/or services were purchased. If the return meets the unit’s return policies, a credit will be issued to the cardholder’s LakerBucks Account. Cash refunds will not be made for returned merchandise that was purchased with the LakerCard, except for textbooks being sold back to the University Bookstore during Book Buy Back (during the days of final exams).
Clayton State University believes the safety and security of its customers’ accounts and account information is important. To ensure protection of your Accounts, you must access LakerCard Online via a personal computer or mobile access device with your User ID (Clayton State University Network ID) and Password.
I understand that the security of my User ID and Password is my responsibility and that anyone who has access to my User ID and password will be able to view my statement. I further understand and agree to notify the HUB immediately if my password should become compromised or known to individuals who are not authorized by me.
Once you are finished with your online activity, you should promptly and properly log off LakerCard Online. You should also never leave your computer unattended while accessing the LakerCard Online. If you should, a third party may be able to access your Accounts from your terminal without ever needing to use your Access ID and Password.
Account history is maintained online for a 24-month period. If you require account information that is prior to this 24-month period, please contact the LakerCard Center.
The information contained in this statement is deemed to be accurate. In case of errors or questions regarding transactions through the Online Card Office, please notify the LakerCard Center as soon as possible. You may contact us by telephone at 678-466-4215, or email us at lakercard@clayton.edu.
The LakerCard Center must be notified no later than 60 days after the error appears on your statement. Please provide us with (i) your name and LakerID, (ii) a description of the error or the transfer you are unsure about and an explanation of why you believe it is an error or why you need more information, and (iii) the dollar amount of the suspected error.
If an error is noticed on a receipt or balance inquiry, contact the LakerCard Center no later than sixty (60) days after the error appears. If the cardholder reports the error orally, a written confirmation may be required within ten (10) business days addressed to: LakerCard Center, 2000 Clayton State Blvd., Morrow, GA 30260. The cardholder should furnish the following information: (a) cardholder name, (b) LakerID Number [9-digit number on front of card], (c) description and dollar amount of transaction in question, and (d) explanation of the discrepancy.
The results of the investigation should be available within ten (10) business days of notification; however, if more time is needed, the investigation may take up to 45 days. If no error is found, a written explanation will be provided within three (3) days of the close of the investigation. Copies of the documents used during the investigation may be requested.
- Immediately report any lost or stolen LakerCard or unauthorized usage either in person at the LakerCard Center or by phone at (678) 466-4215 during normal business hours (LakerCard Center Hours). After normal business hours, contact Public Safety at (678) 466-4050. Residential students may contact the Director or Assistant Director of Laker Hall to obtain a temporary card after normal business hours. Cardholder should go to the LakerCard Center the following business day to obtain a replacement card. The cardholder is responsible for all usage of the card prior to proper notification of lost card to the LakerCard Center or Public Safety.
- If loss is reported within two (2) business days, your liability will not exceed $50.00 in unauthorized charges.
- Replacement cards may be purchased at the LakerCard Center. The charge for a student’s first replacement card is $5.00. Each replacement card purchased after that will be charged an additional $5.00, each time a replacement card is purchased. For example, the 3rd replacement card purchased will cost $15.00. Replacement cards for damaged cards (normal wear and tear) or legal name changes (marriage, divorce, etc.) are issued at no charge.
Temporary LakerCards are available to Residential Students ONLY and are only to be issued in situations of loss or theft that occur after LakerCard Center business hours. Residential students should contact the Housing staff person on duty in Laker Hall in order to obtain a temporary LakerCard.
The Temporary LakerCard will allow the student access to their:
- Meal plan
- LakerBucks Account
- Dining Dollars Account
- Room (Clayton Station ONLY)
The student should visit the LakerCard Center on the next business day following issuance in order to purchase a replacement LakerCard and return the temporary card. The temporary card will be deactivated at the end of the following business day. Should a student lose the temporary card, he or she will be charged a $5.00 replacement fee.
Students should immediately deactivate their LakerCard should it be lost or stolen. Students can visit www.lakercard.com, click on LakerCard Online, log in to the portal and mark their card as lost/stolen. The cardholder is responsible for all usage of the card prior to proper notification of lost card to the LakerCard Center or Public Safety.
- Cash withdrawals from the LakerBucks Account are not allowed except as stated below.
- Upon complete withdrawal or graduation from the University, the cardholder may request that his or her account be closed. Balances greater than $5.00 will be refunded. The request must be made in person at the LakerCard Center. Refunds will be issued by check from the University’s Business Office within ten (10) business days of the request.
- LakerBucks Accounts that are inactive for more than 18 months may be assessed an inactive account fee of $5 for each month the account is inactive, not to exceed the balance of the account.
- The LakerCard Center reserves the right to charge a negative LakerBucks Account balance to the cardholder’s student account. This negative balance must be satisfied prior to enrollment for a future semester.
- If the point of sale terminal is equipped to provide a receipt, you may request a receipt at the time of purchase. It is the cardholder’s responsibility to ensure the receipt is correct.
- You may view your transaction history at any time via LakerCard Online. Activity statements can also be generated upon request of the card holder in the LakerCard Center located on the first floor of the University Center.
These terms and conditions are effective immediately and shall remain in force until written notification is received. Clayton State University will provide written notice via email at least thirty (30) days before effective date of a change that might cause increased fees, charges or liabilities for the cardholder. Prior notice need not be given where an immediate change in a term and/or condition is necessary to maintain or restore security of the system or its accounts.
Department sales and transaction tracking information is provided by the LakerCard Center on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, as agreed upon between the LakerCard Center and the location. The University’s Business Office transfers sales revenues on a monthly basis from the LakerCard Center to the appropriate department.
The LakerCard Center and Clayton State University will disclose information about a cardholder or provide LakerCard or LakerBucks usage reports only:
- To comply with a court order or applicable laws if the cardholder gives the LakerCard Center written permission
Cardholder photos may be used for on-campus identification purposes such as class rosters or Public Safety needs. Photos will be shared with non-Clayton State entities only:
- To comply with a court order or applicable laws
- If the cardholder gives the LakerCard Center written permission
Use it for purchases at:
- Lakeside Dining Hall
- The Grind
- Loch Shop
- Loch's Nest
- Student Copiers
- SmartPrint
- Library
- University Health Services
- Dental Hygiene
- Public Safety
Use it for identification at:
- Library
- Registrar’s Office
- Counseling Services
- Career Services
- Student Activities Center
- University Health Services
Use if for quick check-in at:
- The HUB
- Financial Aid
- Center for Academic Success
What is the LakerCard?
The LakerCard is the official Student, Faculty, and Staff ID for Clayton State University. It is also a Library Card and a financial transaction card. It is intended to be used the entire time you are at Clayton State as a student and/or an employee. It is not necessary to receive a new card each semester.
Who is eligible to receive a LakerCard?
The LakerCard is issued to:
- Registered full and part-time Clayton State students
- Dual-enrolled students
- Clayton State Alumni (per request)
- Full and part-time permanent and adjunct faculty
- Full and part-time permanent staff
- Clayton State Retirees (per request)
- Authorized employees of CSU contracted service providers
What is the LakerBucks Account?
The LakerBucks Account is an optional, pre-paid, declining balance account. The account can be used to purchase products and services at any location which accepts the LakerCard. When making a purchase, indicate that you would like to use your LakerBucks Account and the amount is automatically deducted from your account. Look for signs that say “Use your LakerBucks Here”.
How do I open a LakerBucks Account?
A LakerBucks account is automatically opened for you when you receive your LakerCard. You can begin using your account once you have made your initial deposit. Deposits can be made via LakerCard Online, LakerCard Mobile, at one of the Account Management Centers (AMCs) located across campus, or in person in the LakerCard Center. All credit card deposits must be made using LakerCard Online, LakerCard Mobile or in the LakerCard Center. AMCs accept cash only ($1, $5, $10 and $20) and give no change. There is a $1.00 minimum cash deposit and a $5.00 minimum credit card deposit
Can I make a deposit with my credit or debit card?
Credit and debit cards may be used for deposits using LakerCard Online and at the LakerCard Center. We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. A minimum deposit of $5.00 is required. Deposits using a credit card are considered purchases, not cash advances, so there are no additional services fees or charges.
Where can I use my LakerBucks Account?
The following locations accept the LakerCard for payment of goods and services:
- All Dining locations on campus
- The Loch Shop
- Loch's Nest
- SmartPrint*
- Student Copiers (Library, Music, and Continuing Education)*
- Library
- Public Safety
- University Health Services
- Dental Hygiene
* Indicates locations that only accept LakerBucks for payment
How can I check the balance in my LakerCard Accounts? (Includes LakerBucks, Dining Dollars, Meal Plans, and Bookstore Bucks)
- LakerCard Online
- LakerCard Center
- Account Management Center
What if my LakerCard is lost or stolen?
Read more about lost/stolen cards in the Lost, Stolen and Replacement Cards section of the LakerCard policies.
Why can’t I get money from my LakerCard?
Your LakerBucks Account is a convenience for payment of goods and services on campus and is not intended to be utilized as a bank account. The LakerCard Center is not a licensed bank, and withdrawals prior to graduation or withdrawal are not allowed. For more information about refunds, visit Closing Accounts/Issuing Refunds of Account Balance.
Can I have my replacement LakerCard sent to me in the mail?
For security purposes, we only issue replacement cards in person to the cardholder.
If my card has been suspended, can I have my card reinstated over the phone?
For security purposes, we only reinstate cards when cardholder presents their card in person at the LakerCard Center.
Taken from the LakerCard Agreement signed at the time your LakerCard was issued:
This card is your official Campus ID and must be presented to any school representative upon request. The charge for a student’s first replacement card is $5.00. Each replacement card purchased after that will be charged an additional $5.00, each time a replacement card is purchased. The cardholder agrees to abide by all rules, regulations, policies, and procedures as specified by CSU and the LakerCard Center (a complete listing is available on our website). The LakerCard photo may be used for official campus roster photos or other institutional identification purposes. Future changes to the Terms and Conditions by CSU will apply to all cards in circulation and in use at that time and will supersede the Terms and Conditions in effect at the time the card was acquired and activated.
I understand that my LakerCard is for my use only and cannot be loaned to anyone for any purpose. Failure to abide by this policy may result in disciplinary action by the Office of Community Standards.
University Center, 1st Floor Adjacent to Lakeside Dining Hall
LakerCard Center Hours
Monday - Thursday
8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Contact Us
(678) 466-4215