Call for Papers
College of Business at Clayton State University, Sri Krishna Arts & Science College, and the VIT Business School at Vellore Institute of Technology
announce a jointly organized
International Conference on Higher Education & Industry
Conference theme: The Nexus Between Higher Education & Practice
Dates: Sept. 9-10, 2019
Conference Venue: Clayton State University, Southern Metro Atlanta, GA
The College of Business at Clayton State University, Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, and the School of Business at Vellore Institute of Technology invite papers for its conference The Nexus Between Higher Education & Practice. In particular, this conference aims at exploring ways to connect academicians with practitioners to ensure career-readiness of college graduates and in the rapidly changing global environment.
The challenge is multifaceted. On the one hand, colleges are finding it difficult to ensure that graduates are career-ready with skills demanded by employers today. At the same time, we are faced with trends toward more automation, robotization and digitization across industries, and that is expected to cause significant job disruptions. By some estimates, 75 million current job roles may be displaced by the shift in the division of labor from humans to machines and algorithms. But, almost twice as many new roles may emerge at the same time.
The proficiency in new technologies is only one part of the equation. The “soft skills,” needed for success in this emerging environment is different from what is demanded by employers today. Experts suggest that creativity, originality, initiative, persuasion, resilience, emotional intelligence, and the ability to communicate effectively are a few examples of skills that will become more important in the future. If colleges are to stay relevant, educators must partner with practitioners to develop curricula that address these current challenges, while training their students to embrace lifelong learning so that they can thrive in their careers.
More specifically, issues related to the broad theme of the conference include, but are not restricted to, the following:
- How can universities and industry practitioners partner in preparing career-ready graduates?
- How can academics partner with practitioners to continuously evolve academic curricula to ensure that graduates stay relevant to industry needs?
- What value propositions can create closer partnerships between educators and practitioners?
- How can academics maintain their currency through practice?
- What changes to the higher education infrastructure would be needed to stay relevant to emerging needs?
- Can traditional higher education institutions continue to stay relevant? If so, what are the imperatives to do so?
- What are effective ways to train students to be lifelong learners?
- What are international models of industry and academy partnerships that can be implemented globally?
- Other
The conference program will consist of keynote speakers, competitive paper sessions and interactive poster sessions. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed.
Submission Deadline
Abstracts: Final Extension: July 1, 2019 – reviewed for acceptance as conference presentation
Full papers: September 27, 2019 reviewed for acceptance in the journal
Submission Guidelines
- Though submissions relating to the major theme of the conference are encouraged, papers can deal with other issues relating to the broad topic of the intersection of higher education and practice. The papers may be grounded in any major business disciplines including accounting, business law, business strategy, economics, finance, human resource management, international business, leadership, management, marketing, organizational behavior, supply chain management, and social and ethical issues in business. Conceptual, theoretical, pedagogical, or empirical papers from the above disciplines or similar are welcome.
- All submissions must be original and should not have been previously accepted for publication in a journal, presented in another conference, or be under review at another conference.
- All papers will be blind-reviewed. Accepted papers and interactive posters will be assigned to the appropriate sessions by the conference program chairs. Papers presented at the conference will be included in the online conference proceedings. Qualified papers from the conference will be published in special issues of some of the partnering business journals after an expedited review process. Details about these journals will be posted on the conference website in due course.
- Papers should be prepared and presented in English. There is no page limit, but contributors are encouraged to limit their paper to less than or equal to 20 pages (Times New Roman, 12-point, double-spacing with margins of one inch), including the cover page, abstract, text, references, tables, and figures. The citation and reference format follow the APA guidelines.
- At least one of the authors must register before the deadline of registration, attend, and present the paper at the conference. Otherwise, the paper will not be included in the conference program and proceedings.
- Manuscript prepared in Microsoft Word should be submitted electronically as directed on the conference website. Do not send submissions directly to track chairs. Please indicate the appropriate track in which you wish your paper to be reviewed at the time of submission.
- Submission Link
For any questions about the conference including the paper submission, contact the conference co-chairs:
Professor Reza Kheirandish, College of Business, Clayton State University, Atlanta, Georgia Dr. Kheirandish's Email
Professor Margaret Thompson, College of Business, Clayton State University, Atlanta, Georgia Dr. Thompson's Email
Conference Tracks
(Do not send submissions to track chairs. Please refer to the Submission Guidelines above)
- Management, Supply Chain Management, and Marketing
- Accounting, Business Law, Economics and Finance
- Practitioner and Professional Research Papers
- Undergraduate and Graduate Student Papers
The conference will start with a continental breakfast on September 9th, followed by two full days of programs on September 9-10th, 2019.
Registration Fee
$150.00 "Early Bird" Registration until 11:59 p.m. EDT August 31, 2019
$175.00 Late Registration September 1 - 8, 2019
$200.00 In-Person/On-Site Registration September 9-10, 2019
Register Now Online Forms of Payment: Visa, MasterCard, Discover Checks must be submitted by August 31st for processing. The 2019 ICHEI Conference Registration Formmay be completed to accompany checks.
Participants may fly directly to Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson International Airport (ATL). Clayton State University is located about 10 miles (or 15 minutes' drive) from the airport. A car rental is recommended, but a taxi ride or other ride share options are available.
The Drury Inn and Suites Atlanta Morrow (6520 S Lee Street, Morrow, Georgia 30260; phone 770-960-0500) will be the primary hotel.
The Clayton State University Booking Information Sheet provides details about the hotel and instructions for reserving your accommodations.
Make your Drury Inn reservation NOW using this direct link.
The group rate is available for reservations placed by August 23, 2019.
Visitor Information
Welcome! Clayton State University is located 15 miles south of Atlanta at Exit 233 on Interstate 75.
The campus address is 2000 Clayton State Boulevard, Morrow, Georgia, 30260. Please check our Map and Directions page for details.
The world's busiest airport -- Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport -- is in very close proximity to our campus. The airport website contains flight arrival/departure times as well as helpful links to ground transportation and car rental agencies.
Public transportation is also available: MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Association) offers bus and rail service.
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Clayton State University Aerial View of Buildings: Spivey Hall (left), James M. Baker University Center (middle), Edgewater Hall (right) surrounding Swan Lake with the skyline of Atlanta in the distance (top).