Launchpad Academy Team Members
Team Member Roles and Responsibilities
The Coordinator of Launchpad - Responsible for the recruiting and supporting the Academy’s cohort of students throughout the program – including communication with the industry partner to ensure program progress and success and attending regularly scheduled meetings at the internship sites with assigned students. The Director of the Launchpad Academy will also be responsible to grow the Academy by identifying and securing new industry partners to join the program and will also teach at least one course per semester to ensure Launchpad student progress. The Director is also responsible for all Launchpad physical spaces and associated staffing requirements and communicate regularly with Dean on the progress of the program and ensure the program goals is successfully achieved.
Faculty -Responsible for the oversight and supervision of student’s scholarly or technically challenging activity. Specific Faculty will also be responsible for teaching at least one course per semester to ensure Launchpad student progress. Faculty will assist in the identification of potential Launchpad scholars and inviting them to apply to the program.
Director- Responsible for stewarding the relationship between the University and Industry. The Dean will assist in identifying new industry partners to join the program. The Dean will assist in the identification of potential Launchpad scholars and inviting them to apply to the program. The director helps Dean of CIMS oversee the progress of the program and ensure the program goals is successfully achieved.