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Alternate Format for Textbooks and Required Readings

Alternative text formats are provided to students with verified disabilities that support the need for this accommodation. Students using these accommodations are required to verify that they have purchased a print copy of the text. Students requesting alternate format for texts must submit a list of the books or other materials that they are seeking to Disability Services no later than six weeks before the beginning of classes.

Copyright laws allow production or loan of alternative forms of text for individuals with disabilities, but those making copies must be sure students “own” their copy as well. Alternative formats are loan to the student only for the semester of the course for which the book is required and must be returned to Disability Services at the end of the semester. Failure to do so may result in flagging of records for the student who does not return the materials.

General procedures for requesting texts and other required reading materials in alternate format:

  • Students seeking alternate format for texts must be approved for this accommodation.
  • Students requesting alternative format for texts must submit a list of the books or other materials they are seeking to Disability Services. Submissions should be made as soon as the student registers for classes and obtains the required information but no later than 6 weeks before the beginning of classes to avoid any delays.  Students may submit a request through the lin below:


  • If a student is unable to get textbook information, he or she should contact Disability Services immediately for assistance.
  • Students are required to purchase each book they request in an alternate format.

Students with this accommodation may request materials at any point; however, delay in requesting the accommodation and in providing the necessary information may result in a delay in the provision of texts in alternate format. However, Disability Services is available to support and assist students in this process.