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Interpreting Services

In order to provide interpreter services, students must register with Disability Services and have interpreter services listed as an approved accommodation on their accommodation letter.  Additionally, students must register for classes during the priority registration period and provide Disability Services with a copy of the class schedule a minimum of six (6) weeks prior to the start of class.  Requests for interpreters are on a first-come, first-served basis and should be made as early as possible.  Students must also adhere to the following policies regarding absenteeism and tardiness of interpreted classes:

  • Tardiness: If a student will be late to class, he/she should call and inform Disability Services so that interpreters can be notified to wait additional time. In the event a student is late and the interpreter has not been notified, the interpreter will remain in class:
    • Ten (10) minutes for a fifty minute class.
    • Fifteen (15) minutes for an hour and fifteen minute class.
    • Twenty-five (25) minutes for a two hour class.
  • Absence: Disability Services understands that it is the right of any student to miss class.  However, Disability Services needs a minimum of 48 hours notice so that interpreter resources are used appropriately.  If a student is absent from class without notifying Disability Services in advance, the student's interpreter services will be suspended for the day until Disability Services is notified that subsequent classes scheduled for that day will be attended.  
    • Continued absences without proper notification may result in a suspension of interpreter services for a specified period of time.  These decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. 

Any interpreting concerns with the interpreter for the class should be discussed with Disability Services staff immediately.  Every reasonable effort will be made to resolve these situations that may arise in a fair manner.  Students who are receiving interpreting services for a class/activity should inform Disability Services immediately if there are any cancellations or changes (time, location, etc.). 

Out-of-Class Interpreter Services

  • Students registered with Disability Services who are utilizing interpreting services in class and may require an interpreter for out-of-class events or activities, should contact Disability Services as soon as possible at or by calling 678-455-5445
  • Guests or other departments who may need access to interpreting services or other event accommodations should visit the Event Accommodation page or complete the Event Accommodation Request Form