HR Forms
Human Resources has made it more convenient for you to perform faster and more effectively by providing all of our forms in one place. To access the different forms please begin by clicking on a category. Once you reach the area that houses the form you seek, simply access and complete the applicable form. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the content please do not hesitate to contact Human Resources for assistance.
Please note: Many forms are in PDF format which requires Adobe Reader to access and view the documents. If you are unable to access the documents please contact HR for a paper copy.
All new employees, those who have changes in employment conditions (rehires, promotions, etc.), or those who may provide a service to the University (i.e. Non-Paid Affiliates) are required to complete an onboarding process at least 7 (seven) days prior to their official start date in the respective position.
Hiring Managers may request an onboarding through Clayton State's HR Service Now Portal (login is required).
Part Time Faculty
For Part Time Faculty Employees, please access the Part Time Faculty Hiring Packet for required forms that need to be completed.
Employee and Employment Categories
To learn the descriptions of the types of employees and employment categories please see the Clayton State University Employee Handbook, Section 2.0.
Pertinent Information for Employee and Non-Paid Affiliates
- Vehicle Registration: In order to obtain a Clayton State University vehicle registration permit, you will need to report to Public Safety in order to complete a new vehicle registration form. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Clayton State University Department of Public Safety at (678) 466-4050.
- Laker ID: The LakerCard is your official Campus ID and must be presented to any school representative upon request. The cardholder agrees to abide by all rules, regulations, policies, and procedures as specified by Clayton State and the LakerCard Center. Your LakerCard photo may be used for official campus roster photos or other institutional identification purposes. In order to obtain your LakerCard, you will need to report to the LakerCard Center located on the first floor of the Baker University Center, adjacent to the Lakeside Dining Hall. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the LakerCard Center.
- E-Mail and University Network Credentials: You may not obtain any University specific credentials until all applicable paperwork has been processed and you have received confirmation from your manager/supervisor. Please see below some important policies regarding Use, Copyright, & Communications: Clayton State University Computer and Network Acceptable Use Policy, Peer to Peer and Copyright, and Computer, Network and Information Security Policy and Plan
- Workweek and Work Schedules: A minimum workweek of 40-hours is observed by all full-time staff employees. The requirements of the various operations of the University are highly diverse and different. Though, flexible work schedules may be adopted to meet different needs of the University. The schedules for a given department are established by respective department heads and subject to the approval of the administrative officer. Most offices are required to be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST) Monday through Friday, and as required by some departments in the evening and on weekends. An employee’s work schedule may differ in some departments, but only by mutual agreement between the employee and supervisor. Flexible scheduling or teleworking is done in accordance with University policy. The following form sets up the specific agreement between the employee and Clayton State University pertaining to arranged flexible work schedule (s) agreed upon by the individual employee and their departmental management team.
- Campus Maps: In order to assist you in navigating the CSU campus (s), here is a link to all the maps for Clayton State University. Clayton State University Maps & Directions
- Visit the University Calendars
Direct Deposit
Employee Extra Compensation - Guidelines for Requesting Extra Compensation
Employee Extra Compensation Form
Sick Leave Contribution Withdrawal Request
This form is completed by Clayton State employees to donate leave hours to the pool or to request leave hours from the pool.
Please find below all HR relative Forms for Separating Employees. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the content in this section please contact Human Resources for further assistance.
Clearance of Campus Form (Login Required)
Exit Interview Form (Login Required)
Please find below all HR relative FMLA, Workers Compensation, and Leave Forms. If you have any questions or concerns regarding FMLA, ADA, Leave, or Workers’ Compensation, please contact Human Resources at 678-466-4230.
WH-380E Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee’s Serious Health Condition (PDF)
WH-380F Certification of Health Care Provider for Family Member’s Serious Health Condition (PDF)
WH-384 Certification for Military Family Leave for Qualifying Exigency (PDF)
WH-385 Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Current Service Member (PDF)
WH-385V Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Veteran (PDF)
Clayton State University Services
Conflicts of Interest Guidelines and Form
Conflict of Interest & Conflict of Commitment Policy and Approval Guidelines
Drug and Alcohol Acknowledgement Form
E-Verify - Employee Rights & Responsibilities
Personnel File Request (Former Employees ONLY)
Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Employer Certification Request Form
Retiree Direct Debit Authorization
Criminal Self Disclosure, Security Questionnaire, and Loyalty Oath
Selective Service Verification
The Work Number (CSU Employer Code: 18677)
Verification of Employment Request and Information Release Form
Contact Us
Main Phone: (877) 251-2644
Fax: (678) 466-4239
Location: Clayton State University, Clayton State East - Arbor Hall