Dean of Libraries Welcome
Welcome to the Clayton State University Library! The CSU Library is located on both
floors of the 56,000 square foot Library building, located in the heart of the campus.
With the completion of a four-year $4.9 million renovation, the updated Library meets
the needs of the 21st century. A variety of seating options are available. Seating
capacity of almost 700 provides users with a comfortable social, research, study,
and learning environment.
The Library provides access to an extensive collection of resources and services. Our holdings include approximately 106,500 bound volumes; access to 30,000 current journal titles; 405,000 eBooks; and 325,961 media items. A library catalog allows users to discover not just Clayton State's resources but titles owned by University System of Georgia libraries, which are available for requesting through our GIL Express borrowing service. Through GALILEO, Georgia's virtual library, public workstations offer access to 260+ full-text databases with over 42,000 full-text periodicals, subject indices and directories, online reference materials, and Georgia documents and historical papers. In addition to GALILEO, the CSU Library provides access to specialized databases such as JSTOR, SciFinder, ACS Publications, and others.
Our eight librarians and four staff members are ready to assist you in all aspects of library research. The librarians can assist you in locating print or online materials. The other members of public services will assist you with circulation, reserves, interlibrary loan and GIL Express. The librarians and staff in the Technical Services Department, who acquire, catalog, and maintain our collection of print and electronic resources, are committed to providing you with current materials
The Library conducts sessions to help students use information resources and provides assistance at the Information desk, via email ( and through Ask a Librarian Chat. Through the library's web-based catalog and interlibrary loan services, students may request materials from other libraries.
I am proud to welcome you to the Clayton State University Library. Please contact me with your comments.
Dr. Sonya S. Gaither
Dean of Libraries