Computer & Network Usage
Clayton State University Library provides access to desktop computers primarily to support the research and information needs of current students, faculty, and staff.
CSU students, faculty, and staff who want to use a library computer must log in to the Clayton State network with a valid username and password. Visitors will be issued a temporary username and password at the Reference or Circulation desks. Computers should not be left unattended while logged in to the network. Users are responsible for all activity connected with their username and password.
Users agree to abide by the Clayton State University Computer and Network Acceptable Usage Policy. Please take note of the following sections:
Users will preserve the privacy of information belonging to other individuals that
is stored using CSU computing resources. Users agree not to acquire, modify, or distribute
any information belonging to another individual without explicit permission. Users
recognize that CSU is subject to FERPA (Buckley Amendment) regulations regarding the privacy of student records and that CSU is funded and regulated
by the State of Georgia and is therefore subject to the Georgia Open Records Act.
Private Gain
Users agree not to utilize computing resources owned, leased, or maintained by CSU
for personal private financial gain.
Subsection a. Users will not cause intentional damage to computer systems and will
assume full responsibility for any loss, damage, or destruction of such devices that
is caused by negligence, misuse, abuse, or carelessness.
Inappropriate Behavior
Users agree not to take any actions that constitute inappropriate behavior including
but not limited to the following:
a. Intentionally infecting the network servers or other computers with a virus
b. Sending harassing messages to other computer users either at Clayton State, or
through external networks
c. Using inappropriate, offensive, or abusive language to other users within
d. the Clayton State network, or through external networks
e. Tampering with or modifying accessed equipment
f. Causing intentional damage to computer systems
g. Obtaining additional resources not authorized to the individual user
h. Depriving other users of authorized resources
i. Utilizing another user’s account and password
j. Broadcasting non business-related email to the Clayton State community
k. Broadcasting unsolicited email and email that is in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003
Appropriate Use of Information Technology
It is against state policy to create, access, or transmit material considered sexually
explicit, pornographic, discriminatory, offensive, threatening, harassing, or intimidating.
Visitors can request guest access from library staff. A government-issued photo ID
is required to obtain a guest username and password. Visitors are limited to single
session per day. Logging off will terminate the session and cause the guest username
and password to expire. Visitors may request another login subject to availability.
Visitors may be asked to relinquish use of computing resources during peak times so
that students, faculty, or staff can access a library computer.
Any violation of this policy may be subject to local, state and/or federal prosecution.
Effective Date: October 2, 2008
Review Date: November 2019