Electronic Course Reserves
E-Reserves are course readings available for students to access online. Students can access E-Reserve materials for their class from any Internet connected computer via a link in the Gil-Find catalog http://gilfind.clayton.edu
There is no charge to access E-Reserve course reading lists. Enrolled students may view, download or print reading materials for their class. Copyrighted or licensed electronic reserve items are only available via a CSU SWAN username and password, the GALILEO password or a course password distributed by the instructor.
Scanned resources included in E-Reserve reading lists will contain a copyright notice appended to the resource (if applicable) as required by USG Electronic Course Reserve Guidelines.
What may be placed on E-Reserves?
E-Reserves are an extension of our regular Course Reserves service. Materials which may be placed on E-Reserve include (but are not limited to) licensed electronic content from GALILEO such as journal and newspaper articles, eBook chapters, conference proceedings, images, maps, and streaming video. Requested materials will be evaluated to determine whether use of the work qualifies as fair use and complies with USG Electronic Course Reserve Guidelines. The Clayton State University Library adheres to the Fair Use Guidelines of United State Copyright Law (Title 17, USG, Sect. 101, et seq.).
When possible, the library will link to the full text of resources available in GALILEO or through our lice nsed subscription databases. Instructors may also choose to provide links to GALILEO or library resources within D2L.
In some cases, the library may not have a license that permits us to link to an entire work or to provide access for unlimited concurrent users. In such cases we may be able to provide a link to a portion of the work (e.g., a poem from a collected work or a short story in an anthology) provided that the excerpt does not represent a major portion of the work and falls under fair use. Instructors are encouraged to review the USG Fair Use Checklist when submitting a request for items to be placed on E-Reserve.
In cases where an item’s use exceeds fair use the library may assist faculty members in obtaining copyright permission. This may include the library seeking permission from the copyright holder or investigating purchasing a license from the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). Faculty should first consider using material owned or licensed by the library for course reserves.
For items which cannot be placed on E-Reserve instructors may choose to look for print resources. The library houses physical items (books, serials, DVDs, and CDs, etc.) which may be placed on regular course reserve. These may be checked out at the circulation desk. Please see our Course Reserves Guidelines located on the library web site.
Removing and reusing materials
Items may be added prior to or during the semester, but we require that instructors submit an Electronic Course Reserve Request Form. Under the fair use provision of copyright law, and USG Guidelines for Electronic Reserves copyrighted materials may not remain on electronic reserve indefinitely. At the end of each semester (or the conclusion of the course) all E-Reserves will be deactivated. To reuse material from a previous semester you must submit a new request.
Controlling access to locally scanned materials
If course reserve material has been scanned and saved as a PDF document (e.g., a portion of an eBook or journal for which we do not have an unlimited user license) then students will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view E-Reserve files. A free version of Adobe Acrobat reader can be downloaded at: http://get.adobe.com/reader/
The library will assign a password for each course and section in order to access scanned readings in accordance with USG Electronic Course Reserve Guidelines. The library will not distribute passwords directly to students. Instructors will distribute the password only to students enrolled in the respective course section and instruct students not to share the password with other individuals.
Effective Date: 7/21/2021
Review Date: 7/21/2021