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Retiree Access to Library Resources


There are three standard library services provided to all USG retirees who come to a USG library in person. The three services are:

  1. Check out of library materials (with the caveat that the library has discretion over circulating equipment or other special classes of materials),
  2. Access to electronic resources (e.g., GALILEO) while in the library, and,
  3. Reference help, including the navigation of any location-specific policies or agreements affecting these and other services.

Special Note from Clayton State Library:  Retirees with a current Laker ID card and valid Clayton State email address may check out books from the Clayton State Library. Due to certain extenuating circumstances (e.g emergency health pandemic), limited access or special entry to the library building may occur. Updated information is on the library’s website regarding hours and available services.
Retirees are also able to join the Clayton State Library’s Community Borrowers Card Program. See for more information or visit for the online application. 

Emeritus Faculty

Emeritus faculty at USG institutions are provided with full library access (the same as active faculty), including remote access to electronic resources; Emeritus/a faculty should contact their institution’s library for details and credentials for remote access to electronic resources.

Instructions for Clayton State Emeritus access to GALILEO:

  1. Go to 
  2. Find and select Clayton State University 
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions for logging on
  4. Contact for assistance or remote access 

Link to Galileo Policy Page

GALILEO Policies - Retiree Access

As it relates to the above access and services policies, information will be kept up-to-date, as needed, on USG library and campus websites.

Approved January 9, 2020 by the USG Regents Academic Committee on Libraries and the University System of Georgia Retiree Council.

Revised April 2024