Collection and Resource Management
It is the mission of the Collection and Resource Management Department of the Clayton State University Library to serve the University community by making materials available to students, faculty, and staff in a timely manner. The Collection and Resource Management Department is responsible for ordering, receiving, cataloging and processing new library materials. In addition, the Department maintains the online database that is the primary catalog of the library's holdings. The Department is responsible for the preservation of the library's collections and the administration of Alma, the integrated library system (ILS).
- Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.
- Friday: 8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

Adam Kubik
Head of Collection and Resource Management
(678) 466-4337
Master of Library Science
State University of New York at Buffalo
Bachelor of Arts in German
State University of New York at Buffalo
Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Physics
State University of New York at Buffalo

Rhonda Boozer
Reserves and InterLibrary Loan Assistant
(678) 466-4329
Bachelor of Business Administration in Management
Clayton State University

Laura Herndon
Serials Librarian
(678) 466-4335
Master of Library and Information Science
Valdosta State University
Masters of Library Media Technology
Georgia State University
Bachelor of Arts in English
Mercer University

Heather Walls
Acquisitions and Cataloging Assistant
(678) 466-4341
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Kennesaw State University