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SACS Core Requirement 2.10

Core Requirement 2.10: The institution provides student support programs, services, and activities consistent with its mission.

Judgment of Compliance

X Compliance

Compliance Narrative

Clayton State University offers an appropriate array of student support programs, services, and activities representing the major institutional units of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Information Technology, and Business & Operations. Programs and services support the University mission and each unit promotes student learning and development. Such mission-driven activities support a diverse student population and include a variety of academic support programs and services targeted to students with varying learning, experiential, and technological skill abilities. Additionally, through co-and extra-curricular programming, students are challenged to think critically, communicate effectively, and develop a global awareness through participation in an array of field-specific, civic and leadership experiences at the University and within the broader community.

The university has recently transitioned from its historically commuter-only status to serving an additional residential student community; CSU now houses approximately 475 traditional-aged students on campus in a state-of-the-art residence hall. The presence of students living on campus 24/7 has required a dramatic shift in conceptualizing and delivering many campus resources and necessitated the creation of programs specifically designed to enhance the academic and personal development of the residential student population. Many campus departments have been restructured to offer new services and expanded hours; some of these services are even offered in the residence hall. In addition to the residential students, graduate programs have been added and along with services to accommodate the specific needs of this new student population. While seeking to provide excellent service to our residential and graduate student populations, the University has maintained its unflagging commitment to responsive service to the needs of our many nontraditional and transfer students.

Academic Affairs

The Center for Academic Success (CAS), the University’s one-stop academic support center, provides personalized academic services and resources to support the academic mission of the University. Services offered in the CAS include appointment-based peer tutoring, drop-in math and writing assistance, academic success workshops, Supplemental Instruction (SI), study groups, academic counseling, skill-building software programs, study strategy assessments, and one-on-one academic advising for Learning Support students. The center also coordinates the early warning Clayton Academic Referral Effort (CARE) program and the Regents’ Testing Program. All CAS services are intentionally designed to support student learning through specific content tutoring as well as to provide students with learning strategies and skills through academic counseling and assessments to support their continued academic development. The goal of CAS is to enhance and facilitate learning throughout students’ college careers and to positively impact retention and graduation.

The Dean of Retention and Student Success coordinates academic support in two areas. One area is the Freshmen Year Experience (FYE) Program which serves the needs of first-time, full-time freshmen. These students are given the option of enrolling in a learning community (e.g. several classes taken together with a theme and a FYE course), taking two core classes in a cohort group, or taking a FYE class. Most FYE courses are taught in the residence halls and include assessments to help students evaluate their strengths and weaknesses (e.g., the College Student Inventory). Students also learn about campus resources and engage in activities to help them become better writers, speakers, and critical thinkers. The Dean also helps improve advising at the university level. Although professional advisors are assigned to the colleges, the Dean works closely with the Advising Council to provide professional development opportunities for faculty and staff advisors, improve campus advising resources, address student advising needs, and advocate for changes in university policies and structures to improve the quality of each student’s experience. Students meet with their advisors a minimum of twice per year and advisors take a developmental approach to working with their students.

The library’s primary function is to provide access to information that supports the curriculum offered by the University. The library provides a place both physically and electronically for the students to gather, interpret, and utilize information. It also provides library instruction classes on obtaining and evaluating information from resources. Searching computers and copiers are available on site to assist students with locating and keeping the information they find. The library also provides a space for quiet study.

The Clayton State University Honors Program creates opportunities for students to get a step ahead in developing their academic and leadership skills. Involvement in the Honors program offers students unique opportunities to make the most of their college experience. The Honors Program serves the mission of the University by providing intensive academic opportunities for students as well as affording opportunities for community service and leadership.

The African American Male Initiative at Clayton State University is designed to enhance the retention of African-American male students through strategic intervention at the freshman level in accordance with the mission statement of the university. The initiative provides various support systems that help to develop academic and career goals, provide leadership training, promote self-awareness, and facilitate peer mentoring and community outreach. The initiative has also created a first-year learning community course entitled Black Men Revealed. This course supports the African American male students’ success through enhancing self awareness and self-examination as well as through fostering a greater appreciation for Black issues, history, and culture. Proactive measures have been taken to monitor the academic performance of these incoming freshman students by providing student access to learning strategies, academic counseling, faculty mentoring, and ongoing assessments that support educational development.

The mission of the University Health Services is to maintain optimum physical and emotional health of the entire Clayton State University community through the provision of quality, accessible, comprehensive, and cost-effective primary health care. University Health Services assists students in the pursuit of their academic goals and personal development by encouraging and providing opportunities for continuous education and growth. It also strives to promote healthy behaviors and lifestyle choices through ongoing educational outreach and programming.

The Registrar’s Office facilitates the educational process by providing a welcoming and encouraging service environment to students, faculty and staff. It provides accurate and timely processing of data related to course offerings, registration and academic records as well as support and advice to faculty and staff regarding academic policies and procedures. The office also provides security and privacy for the university’s academic records, in addition to training faculty and staff concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The Registrar’s Office supports the overall education goals of the university by providing these critical components in the academic support structure and serves as a “behind the scenes” facilitator for faculty, students, and staff as they pursue the academic goals of the university.

The primary function of the Office of Financial Aid is to provide quality financial aid services to all eligible students accepted to the University. The office delivers Federal Title IV programs, State of Georgia programs, Federal Veterans Affairs benefits, and scholarship assistance to students who seek financial educational funding via these resources. It serves students in a timely, equitable, accurate, courteous, and fiscally astute manner adhering to all Federal, state, and University regulations. It supports the University mission by assisting students with financial aid needed in order to take advantage of the educational and career opportunities provided by the institution.

Student Affairs

The Housing, Residence Life, and Community Standards (HRLSC) department provides services and programs to support a comprehensive on-campus living experience as well as promotes a safe and respectful University environment through set behavior standards and other conflict resolution opportunities. Such activities support the academic mission by creating a prime learning environment which encourages meaningful connections and fosters engagement and civility. The Office of Housing and Residence Life offers intentional, developmental campus living programs to meet the diverse needs of residential students. This transformative experience includes connecting students to the campus community and laying a foundation of experiences essential to future success.

The residence life staff is committed to encouraging students to engage in their personal transformation by creating holistic experiences that challenges residents to live a life dedicated to health and wellness, scholarship, ethical leadership and citizenship. The Community Standards office works to educate students on their rights and responsibilities in the University Community, and through established processes and procedures, ensures accountability for improper behavior, upholds the requirements of due process, and applies fair, appropriate, and educational disciplinary sanctions for conduct violations.

The Office of Career Services serves as the primary conduit connecting students and graduates with employers and the world of careers by assisting organizations in identifying and hiring qualified candidates and connecting students to work, internships, and career employment opportunities. The Office addresses their mission through a variety of programs and services for both students and employers, including workshops, career fairs, and individual appointments. Career Services also manages the University-wide internship program, promoting the mission consideration of “promoting community-based, experiential learning to create enduring and meaningful connections between education and other aspects of life. Career Services promotes learning and development by working collaboratively with faculty members who promote the office programs and services.

Counseling and Psychological Services supports the academic, vocational, social, emotional, and cultural growth of students. Services include individual, group, and couples counseling/psychotherapy, as well as individual and group career assessment and counseling. Counseling services are designed to assist students with addressing the difficulties they encounter during their college careers. The personal and interpersonal awareness that students develop through the counseling process assist them in their ability to communicate effectively, work collaboratively with others, and adapt to enduring life challenges and stressors. Counseling and Psychological Services also strives to promote greater overall wellness within the student population. In addition to direct counseling services, Counseling and Psychological Services also provides outreach, educational and preventive programming that focuses on the developmental needs of students that maximize their potential to benefit from the academic environment. Consultative services are provided to members of the University community in order to increase faculty and staff awareness of the mental health needs of students and the challenges that students face.

The mission of the Disability Resource Center, in partnership with the University community, is to create an accessible, inclusive campus where students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to fully participate in and benefit from all aspects of the educational environment. The center provides accommodations and related services to CSU students with documented disabilities to fulfill our institutional commitment of equal access to courses, programs, and activities. The Disability Resource Center serves as a resource for students, faculty, staff and the community regarding disability issues. Services include determination and provision of appropriate testing accommodations and assistive technology. It offers a variety of software and hardware available for use on campus enabling students with disabilities to access information and compensate for the impact of their disabilities. The department provides referral to a wide variety of campus and community resources supporting the disability-related needs of students. It provides support and training to other campus offices regarding disability related issues, and assures compliance with relevant federal laws.

The Office of Orientation & New Student Programs (ONSP) assists first year transfer, nontraditional and dual enrolled students in making a successful academic, intellectual and social transition to the University. In addition to supporting the office mission, ONSP contributes and supports Clayton State University’s mission of providing students with opportunities for continuous education and growth, opportunities for individuals to learn and work collaboratively and by encouraging students to develop a sense of social and civic responsibility. New student orientation programs during summer, fall and spring, New Student Convocation, Family Weekend and StartSmart are just some of the programs and initiatives designed to strengthen students’ connection to the University. The Office of Orientation and New Student Programs facilitates the transition of Clayton State University’s new student population, and their families, to the campus by providing programmatic opportunities that support overall student success. These programs and services enhance the educational experiences of our students and promote their success both inside and outside of the classroom.

The Department of Campus Life provides opportunities for students to learn about and develop personal and professional skills by engaging them in educational, multicultural, service-based, and social experiences. Campus Life supports the University’s mission by encouraging and fostering challenging and culturally rich environments through programming designed to promote critical thinking and an appreciation for diversity and leadership. Examples include the “Emerging Student Leaders Conference”, “Student Leadership and Involvement Awards”, the “Leadership Institute Cohort”, “Lead the Way” leadership seminars”, the “AmeriCorps National Service Program”, alternative fall and spring break opportunities, a service learning series, a “Diversity and Multicultural Conference”, a “Culture Shock Week” program, student involvement fairs, and organization showcases.

The Department of Recreation & Wellness functions to provide an environment that is fun, relaxing and supportive of beneficial lifestyle practices through the three primary areas of Fitness & Wellness, Intramurals Sports, and Outdoor Adventure. The department promotes the mission of the University by engaging students in experiential learning opportunities that foster meaningful connections between education and future life. Students who are engaged in the Department of Recreation & Wellness activities experience growth and development physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually. Students who become involved in the program areas learn to engage in critical thinking to identify risks, solve challenges, and make appropriate decisions to accomplish a set objective individually and with other individuals. The department takes pride in offering enriching experiential learning outside the classroom environment that promotes student learning and development that will transcend into one’s personal and professional life down the road.

Information Technology

The HUB is the frontline technical support center for Clayton State University. It provides client level technical support for students, faculty and staff as well as school related software application usage assistance for students. The HUB strives to make sure that technology enhances the learning process at CSU. On-site, hands-on assistance for students enables them to focus on course work without losing time searching for laptop repairs or “how to” assistance. The HUB records standard operating procedures and best practices in an effort to continue challenging and improving our services to the CSU community. The HUB promotes student learning and development through face to face, virtual services and a self help knowledge base for students needing any type of support involving technology. The client support services program coordinator works with faculty to determine how the HUB can best assist students with special project assignments.

Business & Operations

The Department of Public Safety’s highest priority is the safety and security of the campus community: students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The Department is a full service law enforcement agency that is dedicated to fostering a cooperative working relationship with the University to ensure the safety and security of an environment that is conducive to teaching, learning, research, and public service. The Department of Public Safety is comprised of four components: police officers, communications officers, security guards, and student parking patrol. The Department operates 24/7 as a full service law enforcement agency providing a full array of security services as well as educational programs concerning public safety and crime prevention.

Supporting Documentation and Links

Effectiveness Reports