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SACS Federal Requirement 4.2

Federal Requirement 4.2: The institution's curriculum is directly related and appropriate to the purpose and goals of the institution and the diplomas, certificates, or degrees awarded.

Judgment of Compliance

X Compliance

Compliance Narrative

The Clayton State University (CSU) Faculty Handbook states that the faculty has primary responsibility for the curriculum and its delivery (article 101.02.1). Consequently, faculty members who are discipline experts in each instructional unit develop and maintain the curriculum; proposed curriculum changes undergo a series of review and approval processes at the department/program, college, and university levels before final approval via the Office of the Provost. New programs and significant revisions to existing programs must be approved by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.

The Curriculum and Academic Policy Council (CAPC) is a standing sub-council of the Faculty Council and is tasked with "matters relating to undergraduate instruction, curriculum, and academic standards". Such matters as new program proposals, admission standards, and graduation requirements must be considered and approved by CAPC prior to their consideration by Faculty Council. During the 2008-2009 academic year, CAPC approved 34 new courses, revisions to 56 existing courses, 20 program revisions, six new minors, four new programs, and the deactivation of six certificate and associate programs. The Graduate Council has responsibility for reviewing the quality of graduate curricula.

CSU has a combination of certificate, associate, baccalaureate, graduate and professional programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Health, College of Information and Mathematical Sciences, School of Business, and School of Graduate Studies. A list of academic programs can be found in the undergraduate catalog, the graduate catalog, and at the University website.

CSU's programs reflect the University’s mission as "an intellectually challenging, culturally rich learning environment, encouraging all students to take advantage of the outstanding educational and career opportunities provided for residential and commuter students from a diverse range of ethnic, socioeconomic, experiential and geographical backgrounds." The future focus is guided by one of the Strategic Planning Themes: Development and Enhancement of Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Programs through "adding traditional and innovative programs at undergraduate and graduate levels, improving existing programs, and continuing to be a leader in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning."

The undergraduate curriculum at CSU is directly related and appropriate to the purpose and goals of the institution. The mission statement provides a foundation for an array of quality undergraduate and graduate programs with emphases in business, health, education, natural and mathematical sciences and information technology. The University also promotes excellence in teaching, research, and service for the benefit of the local, state, national, and international communities. The general education curriculum of the institution is designed to prepare University graduates who communicate effectively, think critically, and learn and work collaboratively. The discipline- specific curriculum is designed to prepare students who demonstrate competence in their chosen fields and possess the capability of adapting to changing circumstances and new challenges. Through an ongoing assessment and evaluation of curriculum content, program modification occurs when the faculty identify a need to realign the current courses with the programs' stated purposes and goals.

Supporting Documentation and Links

CSU Mission Statement

CSU Vision Statement

CSU Strategic Planning Themes

Faculty Handbook

CSU Faculty Council Bylaws (including Curriculum and Policy Council)

CSU Curriculum and Program Council Submission Process

CSU Graduate Council Structure

Undergraduate Catalog: Spring 2010

Graduate Catalog: 2009-2010