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Dual Enrollment Checklists

Whether you're a newly accepted or a current Dual Enrollment student, take the next steps to complete the admissions process

Quick links:

New Dual Enrollment Students

If you are a newly accepted Dual Enrollment student who has never taken Clayton State courses, use this checklist to complete your Orientation.

The Dual Enrollment Checklist provides the info you need to register for Clayton State classes.

You'll  learn how to:

  • navigate the DUCK
  • remove holds from your account 
  • sign up for dual enrollment financial aid
  • work with your high school counselor to sign up for classes    

Dual Enrollment Checklist

Complete the enrollment tasks in steps 1-9:

Activate and set up your Clayton State Student Account

When you apply to Clayton State, you're given a student account with a Loch ID (alphanumeric username, such as jsmith1) and Laker ID  (9-digit number).

Your account is more than your student email address. It is your key to accessing campus resources, including the Digital University Campus Kiosk (DUCK), where you'll check your admissions application status, register for classes,  manage your financial aid file, and pay for tuition.

Activate Your Account

  • Head over to Account Manager.
  • Select Activate Your LochID.
  • Enter your Loch ID, Laker ID, and birthday.

Loch ID: (alpha numeric username, such as jsmith1) 
Laker ID: (9-digit number)

Don't know your Loch ID or Laker ID? 
Email - Applicants receive an activation email with their student account information.
Text - If you provided your mobile phone number on your application, you can also  retrieve your Loch ID and Laker ID by texting the word "ID" to (678) 466-6038.

  • Select Submit.
  • Create a new password and add security questions.

Activate Your Student Account

Setup Your Account

Set up Your Student Account

  • Head over to the HUB's website to learn about how multi-factor authentication (MFA) keeps you safe, and download the Microsoft Authenticator app.

Get Multi-Factor Authentication

Note: If you have any technical issues with your student email or the DUCK, please contact The HUB

Resolve Student Account Holds

Common Account Holds

  1. VOLP - Verification of Lawful Presence - Submit proof of lawful presence in the U.S. electronically or to the Office of Admissions in Suite 150 of Edgewater Hall. Acceptable documents include a GA driver’s license, U.S. passport, or birth certificate. For a full list of accepted documents, refer to this full list of acceptable VOLP documents. 
  2. OR - Orientation Hold - Complete the quiz at the end of this Orientation Checklist. Your OR Hold will be removed by your DE Advisor during your Advisement Appointment.
  3. RA - Registration Agreement Hold - From your DUCK Account, follow the following steps:
    • Select “Student Services”
    • “Registration”
    • “Build your class schedule”
    • Select current semester and click Submit
    • Verify/edit student info – Submit
    • Review the “legally binding agreement” and click the “I Agree” button.
  4. IM - Immunization Hold - Submit the Certificate of Immunization and TB Screening Form via email to or in person to the Office of Student Affairs on the second floor of the James M. Baker University Center.
  5. EA/EU - First-Year students are expected to complete Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates course and AlcoholEdu for College (this includes Dual Enrollment students). Learn more about how to remove this hold.

Get Your LakerCard

The LakerCard is your student ID for Clayton State. You can also use your LakerCard for spending at vending machines and SmartPrint by depositing funds to your LakerBucks account.

Upload your photo to get started:

Upload Your LakerCard Photo

Log in using your Loch ID and network password.

Submit Dual Enrollment Funding Application (Each Year)

Login to

  • On the menu header select “HOPE & State Aid Programs”
  • Select “State Aid Applications”
  • Select “Dual Enrollment Funding Application (online)” and complete full application and submit. Part 1 must be submitted online. (Unless you are a home schooled student - homeschool students need to print and complete a hard copy). Inform your high school counselor once you complete Part 1. Please provide verification of your GSFC funding application’s “application status page” to your DE Advisor via your CSU email.

Register for Classes

Once you have completed the above steps, you will need to schedule an advising appointment to register for classes.

Your Dual Enrollment Advisor will register you for your classes as soon as:

  • all of your holds are cleared AND
  • the Clayton State Advising Form has been completed and approved by your high school counselor
Attention: Please visit the Class Schedule website to obtain your required CRN#s (see CSU Advising Form) prior to your appointment.

Understand important dates, schedule adjustments, and DE policies

The Academic Calendar contains registration and drop/add dates, semester start and end dates, holidays, and other important information for each semester.

View the Academic Calendar

  1. Drop/add is typically available for 2 - 3 days after the first day of classes. Drop/add periods vary by semester; be sure to check the Academic Calendar.
  2. Your DE Advisor cannot process drop/add requests over the phone. The request must be submitted from your Clayton State student email. Schedule changes must be approved by your high school counselor. 
  3. Students who withdraw from a class after drop/add cannot attempt/repeat the same course and receive DE funding. The attempted hours will count against the 30 hours funding cap.   
  4. Students may withdraw from only two courses during the lifetime of their Dual Enrollment participation.  Students who have reached two course withdrawals cannot return for additional funded courses. 
  5. Students must maintain a minimum of 2.0 GPA. See Financial Aid's Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy page for details.
  6. Review Dual Enrollment Regulations.

Get your books

Clayton State covers the cost of required textbooks, access codes, and e-books only. To get started, visit the Loch Shop website and review the Dual Enrollment section.

Complete the dual enrollment agreement each semester. Sign and bring the completed form with you when picking up course materials.

Materials must be returned by the last day of final exams. Please refer to the DE Textbook FAQs for more information. Your LakerCard or government-issued ID is required at pick-up. Shop online at

Learn More about Student Resources

  1. Center for Academic Success (CAS)
    1. The CAS offers tutoring, academic coaching, and success workshops. Some services and events are offered virtually.
  2. Disability Services
    1. Disability Services is responsible for ensuring equal access for students with disabilities, this includes Dual Enrolled (DE) students.
    2. DE students with IEP’s or 504 Plans must apply for disability services with the DRC for their college classes.
    3. Accommodations do not automatically transfer to college classes, and they may look different than high school.
    4. Contact Disability Services at (678) 466-5445 or email at

Ready to finish Dual Enrollment Orientation?

Move on to the Complete Dual Enrollment Orientation section to access the final step.

If you're not ready for the DE Orientation Quiz yet, go back to Step 1 and review the Dual Enrollment Checklist content.

Complete Dual Enrollment Orientation

After finishing the enrollment tasks on the Dual Enrollment Checklist, the final step is to complete Dual Enrollment Orientation by submitting the DE Orientation Quiz:

Take the DE Orientation Quiz

After completing the quiz, contact your DE Advisor.


Dual Enrollment Continuation

If you are a current Clayton State dual enrollment student who would like to be considered for undergraduate admission, use this quick checklist to continue your studies at Clayton State.

Update your admissions application by submitting the Dual Enrollment to Freshman Form.

Request and submit final official high school transcript in-person, by mail, or electronically.

You may mail or deliver your transcripts to:

Office of Recruitment and Admissions
Edgewater Hall, Suite 150
2000 Clayton State Boulevard
Morrow, GA 30260-0285

If your previous school(s) offer this service, they can submit your official transcripts to If not, we currently accept electronic transcripts from e-Transcript providers such as:

  • eSCRIP
  • Clearinghouse
  • Parchment 

Register for New Student Orientation.

Once you are admitted to Clayton State as an undergraduate, prepare to register for classes by attending one of our upcoming New Student Orientation sessions. This mandatory event will familiarize you with all the services and resources available at Clayton State. 

Register for New Student Orientation

Frequently Asked Questions about DE Continuation

Yes, see our Orientation Dates & Fees page to view upcoming Freshman sessions for New Student Orientation.

In an effort to ensure your success in transitioning from Dual Enrollment and previous high school level requirements, we want to outline processes and procedures that are different for non-Dual Enrollment students.

For instance, you need to know your student fees, why they are charged and how to pay them. You may also need information regarding financial aid and student housing. These topics as well as others will be covered during your orientation.

As a new freshman student, you will complete hybrid Orientation. Advisors will build a class schedule for you after you complete Part 1: Online Orientation. 

We strongly encourage you to register for Orientation and complete Part 1 as soon as possible to get your class schedule.

You will not need to obtain a new ID card. You will continue to use the one received as a Dual Enrollment student.


Need Help Logging In?

For additional assistance with account activation and logging in, more information can be found in Knowledge Base. You can also email our technology help desk, the HUB, or call (678) 466-4357. NOTE: Your password cannot be changed by an email or phone request. To have your password changed or reset, you must go to the HUB (located in the James M. Baker University Center) and show a picture ID.