English Internships
The Department of English offers a variety of internships that allow students to gain experience in fields related to the major.
In each internship, students gain real-world experience by working closely with a supervising faculty member while learning the processes, conventions, software, and skills relevant to the specified field. Details about each internship can be found below:
- Textbook Publishing: This internship is offered in the spring semester and is available to both online and on-campus students. Interns work with Dr. Sansbury, Director of First-Year Writing, to produce Connections, Clayton State's textbook for English 1101 and 1102. For more information, contact Dr. Matthew Sansbury at MatthewSansbury@clayton.edu.
- Literary Publishing: This internship is offered in the spring semester. Toward the end of the fall semester, interns work with Dr. Byrd to gather submissions and discuss the selection process for inclusion in Cygnet, Clayton State's literary journal. In the spring, interns work on editing, layout, production, and distribution of the journal. For more information, contact Dr. Jason Daniels at jasondaniels@clayton.edu.
- Digital Writing and Social Media: This internship is offered in the fall and spring semesters and is available to both online and on-campus students. Interns work with faculty members to help maintain the English Department's website and social media as well as create the department's annual newsletter, which is distributed to local libraries, high schools, and community centers. Interns write and edit copy, interview new faculty members, and work on layout. For more information, contact Dr. Matthew Sansbury at MatthewSansbury@clayton.edu.
- Tutoring: This internship is offered in the fall and spring semesters and is available to on-campus students. Interns work closely with Dr. Sansbury and The Writers' Studio Manager to develop and execute special projects while gaining knowledge and experience about tutoring and operating a writing center. For more information, contact Dr. Matthew Sansbury at matthewsansbury@clayton.edu.
Internship Policies
English Major Internship (ENGL 4000)
Pre-requisite ENGL 3100, with a grade of C or higher
The English major internship is available to English majors on the Literature and Writing tracks. This course allows students to earn course credit for experiential learning in their chosen field. While the Department of English offers several internship opportunities, students can choose to intern for a company or organization of their choosing, but students are ultimately responsible for finding their own internship placements. The Department of English and the Office of Career Services will offer assistance in locating internships when possible.
In order to enroll in ENGL 4000, students must complete the Internship Learning Agreement and secure approval from the Chair of the Department of English. Students will then be required to meet with their site supervisor to agree upon the learning objectives and the specific activities to be performed in accordance with the learning objectives. Near the end of the semester of the internship, site supervisors will make a letter grade recommendation to the instructor for ENGL 4000.
Internships are not normally paid, but a small stipend (at the site supervisor's discretion) is not prohibited.
Because ENGL 4000 is also a credit-bearing course, students will also meet the requirements of the course syllabus, posted at the beginning of the semester. Normally, the requirements are as follows:
- Complete 150 hours of activity at the internship site. This rule is standard for all CSU internships, regardless of major.
- Submit a final portfolio to the site supervisor and Chair of the English Department. The portfolio should present both the work performed and an explanation of how the work satisfies the learning objectives for the internship.
- Submit a final report that reflects on the internship learning experience.
- Demonstrate professional competency in all writing and communication associated with the internship.
For more information, contact Dr. Mary Lamb, (678) 466-4706, or Dr. Matthew Sansbury, (678) 466-4897.