BA in Stage and Screen
The BA in Stage and Screen is designed with the entertainment industry in mind. It prepares students for professional careers in theatre, film, and other industries by equipping them with the tools needed to be entrepreneurs and socially engaged artists. While creating new works and reimagining existing works, students will develop their individual talents that can be applied across various disciplines. Through a hands-on holistic approach, we empower students to become influential leaders in the 21st century.
Program Outcomes
- Recognize and interpret subject matter and history of theatre: major works, issues, and movements.
- Demonstrate competent oral and written communication skills for work in the entertainment industry.
- Assess and employ theatrical concepts in decision-making and critical esthetic judgment.
- Recognize and demonstrate practical skills required in professional settings in the entertainment industry.

Dr. Shontelle Thrash
Director of Stage and Screen Program
Mr. Kirill Sheynerman
Assistant Professor of Stage and Screen Program