Computer Science and Information Technology Faculty Research Grants
Research Projects
- "Robots Reason Under Uncertainty," funded by NASA, 2023-2024, $2,500, PI Xiangdong An.
- "Robots Collaborate Under Uncertainty While Exploring the Moon," funded by Clayton State Retirees Association, 2024, $1,196, PI Xiangdong An.
- "Collaborative Research: CISE-MSI: RCBP-RF: CNS: ESD4CDaT - Efficient System Design for Cancer Detection and Treatment," funded by NSF, $131,290, 2023-2025, PI Shakil Akhtar.
- "Use of Text-based Animation to Teach Programming in Computer Science Courses," funded by Clayton State Retirees Association, 2023-2024, $800, PI Muhammad Rahman.
- "Artificial Intelligence Study in Earth Exploration Summer Academy," funded by NASA, 2023-2028, $425,000, PI Shuju Bai, Co-PI Junfeng Qu.
- "Rendering of Infra-Red (IR) sensor images using NVIDIA’s GPUs and OptiX Ray Tracing Engine," funded by DoD Summer Faculty Fellowship, 2023, $28,000, PI Shakil Akhtar.
- "Autonomous Robots Collaborate Best Under Uncertainty and Communication Limitations," funded by NASA, 2022-2023, $2,500, PI Xiangdong An.
- "TIPS-ISL: Teach-back Integrated with Problem Solving for Improved Student Learning," funded by Clayton State Retirees Association, 2022-2023, $1,500, PI Muhammad Rahman.
- "Clayton State University GenCyber Teens Program," funded by GenCyber Program (Grant # H98230-22-1-0177 ) under NSA/NSF, 2022-2024, $150,000, PI Shuju Bai, CoPIs Junfeng Qu, Byron Jeff, Batavia Sumlin.
- "Clayton State University GenCyber Gamification Accelerator Program," funded by GenCyber Program ( Grant #H98230-22-1-0140) under NSA/NSF, 2022-2024, $100,000, PI Shuju Bai, CoPIs Junfeng Qu, Byron Jeff, Batavia Sumlin.
- "Clayton Jarvis Summer Research on the Applications of Machine Learning (ML) and Internet of Things (IoT) for Cancer Detections and Treatments," funded by ASEE CyBR-MSI Mini Grant under NSF award CNS-2139136, 2021-2022, $10,000, CoPI (Site PI) Shakil Akhtar.
- "Acquiring and Deployment of Essential Cyber Security Software for the Cyber Security Lab to Support Student Learning and Faculty Research," funded by Clayton State University President R&CE Mini Grants Initiative, 2021-2022, $3,000, PI Ken Nguyen.
- "Computational Algorithms for Lightning Locating," funded by Clayton State University President R&CE Mini Grants Initiative, 2021-2022, $3,000, PI Shuju Bai.
- "Develop a Home Security System Using Raspberry Pi," funded by Clayton State University President R&CE Mini Grants Initiative, 2021-2022, $3,000, PI Shakil Akhtar.