Symposium Sponsors
The Clayton State University College of Information and Mathematical Sciences wishes to genuinely thank our sponsors for supporting our 3rd annual Symposium. Your sponsorship, support, and participation will enable us to put on an exceptional event again this year with guest speakers, research presentations, student poster session, Scholarship and K-12 outreach, networking, and the banquet. With your help we plan to invite over 800 students, faculty and industry partners from Technology, Cyber Security Mathematics to attend the event and provide scholarships for at least 5 talented incoming freshmen. It is critical for universities and industry to have the opportunity to come together and prepare the workforce of the future.
Thank you again for all your generous support, we could not have done it without you!
If you would like to give online:
- Go to https://clayton.edu/give-now.
- On the donations amount section, click on the drop-down menu and select "other fund."
- After selecting "other fund" a box will appear below where you will type out "CIMS Symposium."
If you wish to send a check:
- Make the check payable to Clayton State University Foundation or CSU Foundation for short.
- Make sure to put that is for the CIMS Symposium.
- The address is 2000 Clayton State Blvd, Morrow, GA, 30260.
Thanks to all 2024 CIMS Symposium industry sponsors.
- Gold Sponsorship: MailChimp
- Silver Sponsorship: Georgia Power
- Bronze Sponsorship: Google, Colonial Pipeline, Cox Industries, Costco