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BSN Application Requirements

Fall 2025 Application

The Basic Licensure Track of the BSN program admits three cohorts each year. Program admission is separate from University admission. Program applications are available online during designated time periods with corresponding KNAT dates. Acceptance to this program is competitive, meaning that the most highly qualified applicants will be accepted into the class. Eligibility requirements include completion of core curriculum prior to program enrollment. Size and quality of applicant pool varies, so chance of admission is fluid.

  • Morrow Main Campus - each fall and spring, a cohort of 45-60 students is selected from 100-300 applicants.
  • Fayette Instructional Site - each fall, a cohort of 20 students is selected from 40-60 applicants.

Application Availability

  • Fall - January 1
  • Spring - August 1

The School of Nursing cannot address transfer credit inquiries prior to University acceptance and orientation attendance. Transfer evaluations are completed by the Registrar's Office on a course-by-course basis for each student. Transfer articulation should be used as a guide and does not guarantee that your courses will transfer over to Clayton State University.

Step 1—Apply to Clayton State University for undergraduate admission at as a transfer student and declare a Health Sciences major; cumulative GPA of 2.80 or above determines eligibility for pre-nursing. Note that transient and post-baccalaureate non-degree seeking University applicants are not eligible for separate nursing application.

Step 2—Attend University orientation to meet advisor, review transfer credit, register in program prerequisites. Plan to take the nursing program prerequisite of HLTH3201-Pathophysiology during the first semester of enrollment at Clayton State PRIOR to nursing program admission.

Step 3—Submit separate program application including entrance exam and interview for qualified applicants; *program application availability and KNAT dates correspond. Interested applicants indicate preference for Fayette Instructional Site on program application to be considered for that fall cohort.

  To seek Fall nursing admission To seek Spring nursing admission
Step 1 Apply to University for Summer by April 15 Apply to University for Fall by July 15
Step 2 Attend University orientation between March—May Attend University orientation between April--August
Step 3 Apply to program for Fall between January 1—April 15* Apply to program for Spring between August 1--November 1

Admission Criteria

  • KNAT—Kaplan Nursing Admission Test—all scores accepted; results may determine support structure for student success
  • Minimum 2.80 overall GPA—combination of institutional GPA and transfer GPA (both calculated with last attempt in repeated courses)
  • Minimum 2.80 math/science GPA—calculated with highest attempt in repeated courses; *seven year expiration for BIOLs and HLTH3201
    • A2 Math Modeling or College Algebra (MATH 1101 or 1111)
    • D2 Statistics (MATH 1231)
    • D1 Science sequence I (CHEM1151-1151L or 1211-1211L)
    • D1 Science sequence II (CHEM1152-1152L or 1212-1212L)
    • F1 Human Anatomy & Physiology I (BIOL2251-2251L)*
    • F2 Human Anatomy & Physiology II (BIOL2252-2252L)*
    • F3 Microbiology (BIOL2260-2260L or 3250-3250L)*
    • F6 Pathophysiology (HLTH3201)*


  • Fall applicants - Mid-late March
  • Spring applicants - Mid-late October

Only selected, qualified applicants will be contacted for interview. Contact information provided on nursing application will be used by a nursing faculty member to schedule date/time of interview.


  • Fall applicants - Early April
  • Spring applicants - Early November

Applicants with incomplete files, ineligible applicants who failed to meet minimum eligibility requirements and eligible applicants not selected for interview will receive correspondence upon review of program application. Qualified applicants who complete interview will receive correspondence within two weeks.