Employee Leave
Clayton State employees have access to various types of leave as part of the University’s commitment to work-life balance.
As a benefit’s eligible employee of Clayton State University, you will accrue vacation
leave each month that you work. You may use vacation leave for qualified reasons as
soon as it has been accrued.
The rate of vacation accrual for eligible employees is based on an employee's length
of continuous service. Regular/full-time employees earn vacation according to the
chart below:
Years of Service | Monthly | Annual Equivalent |
0-5 years |
10 hours (1 ¼ days) |
15 working days |
5-10 years |
12 hours (1 ½ days) |
18 working days |
Over 10 years |
14 hours (1 ¾ days) |
21 working days |
Accrual of leave is based on the time of month your employment begins. If you are employed on or before the 15th of the month, leave accrual begins the date of your employment. If you are employed after the 15th of the month, leave accrual begins on the 1st of the following month.
You may accrue a maximum of forty-five days (45) the equivalent of 360 hours of annual leave. Any annual leave time accrued, above the forty-five days (45), is forfeited as of December 31 of each year.
Annual leave is prorated if work commitment is greater than .50, but less than 1.00.
Temporary employees are not eligible to earn or accrue annual leave.
The University System of Georgia compensates employees for accrued annual leave time not to exceed a maximum of forty-five days (45) at termination of employment.
All regular/full-time and regular/part-time employees earn and accrue sick leave each
month. Temporary employees are not eligible to earn or accrue sick leave.
Sick leave accrues and is cumulative with no maximum limit during an employee's length
of continuous service. The rate of sick leave accrual for all eligible employees is
based on the employee's work commitment. Regular/full-time employees accrue:
Annual Equivalent | |
8 hours |
12 working days |
Sick leave is prorated if work commitment is greater than .50, but less than 1.00.
The University System of Georgia does not compensate employees for accrued sick leave at termination of employment.
Any employee (including part-time and temporary) of the University System of Georgia, who has:
- been employed by the University System of Georgia for at least twelve months total (not necessarily the last twelve months), and
- worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period immediately preceding the leave
…is eligible to be granted family leave for conditions authorized by the Family and Medical Leave Act.
The Act provides that employees may be granted up to twelve work weeks of job-protected leave during a 12-month period.
Learn more about the Family and Medical Leave Act
If you are a regular benefited employee, you are eligible for twelve (12) paid holidays during the year. Temporary employees are not eligible for paid holidays, regardless of work commitment. The 12 scheduled holidays form Clayton State University are as follows:
Holiday | Date |
New Year's Day | January 1st |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | 3rd Monday in January |
Memorial Day | 4th Monday in May |
Independence Day | July 4th |
Juneteenth | June 19th |
Labor Day | 1st Monday in September |
Thanksgiving Day | 4th Thursday in November and the day following |
Winter Holidays | December 25th plus four additional days |
Employees who have a death in the immediate family may be allowed to use accrued annual and/or sick leave for absences related to the death. Time off for Bereavement in excess of five days requires the employee to contact Human Resources to request a personal leave of absence. Immediate family includes the employee’s spouse, parents, children, siblings, stepchildren, grandparents, grandchildren, foster parents and legal guardian, in-laws, and domestic partners.
Employees of the University called for jury duty or witness duty will be paid by the University at the normal rate of pay for any regularly scheduled time lost from the job. This leave will be granted upon presentation of official orders from the appropriate court. A court seldom requires full-time attendance; an employee is expected to return to work whenever he or she is not required to be present in court.
Disability due to pregnancy shall be considered as any other disability and sick leave provisions will apply.
An employee who receives orders for active military duty shall be entitled to absent himself or herself from his or her duties and shall be deemed to have a leave of absence with pay for the period of such ordered military duty, and while going to and returning from such duty, not to exceed a total of eighteen (18) workdays in any one (1) federal fiscal year (October 1 - September 30) (as authorized by Georgia Law O.C.G.A. § 38-2-279[e]). After an employee has exhausted his/her paid military leave, an institution may pay the employee for his/her accumulated annual leave. At the expiration of the maximum paid leave time, continued absence by the employee shall be considered as military leave without pay. The employee shall be required to submit a copy of his or her orders to active military duty (BR Minutes 1990-91, pp. 173-174).
Notwithstanding the foregoing leave limitation of eighteen (18) days, in the event the Governor declares an emergency and orders an employee to State active duty as a member of the National Guard, such employee while performing such duty shall be paid his or her salary or other compensation as an employee for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days in any one (1) federal fiscal year.
Learn more about the University System of Georgia’s Military Leave policy.
Clayton State employees are eligible take up to eight hours’ time off to engage in educational activities with children.
The President of Clayton State may approve personal leaves of absence without pay for periods not to exceed one year. Requests will be considered on an individual basis upon the recommendation of the supervisor, the Provost and the Vice President of Operations, Planning & Budgets. Personal leave may be granted only when conditions permit. In the event of inclement weather or emergency, the President may declare leave with or without pay.
Employees, upon written request, may be granted up to two hours’ time off to vote if their workday begins at least two hours before polls open or ends at least two hours after polls close.
Employees of the University System of Georgia who serve as an organ donor for the purpose of transplantation shall receive a leave of absence, with pay, of thirty (30) days. Each employee who serves as a bone marrow donor for the purpose of transplantation shall receive a leave of absence, with pay of seven (7) days. Leave taken under this provision shall not be charged against or deducted from an employee’s accrued annual or sick leave.
Contact Us
Main Phone: (877) 251-2644
Fax: (678) 466-4239
Location: Clayton State University, Clayton State East - Arbor Hall