Careers in computing technology and mathematics fields are booming, providing some of the highest-paid, most fulfilling work experiences across the country. From computer science to mathematics and engineering to archives and records management, degrees from the College of Information and Mathematical Sciences (CIMS) are designed to give you the knowledge, skills and practical experience you need to land your dream job.
Pre-Baccalaureate Certificate Programs: Certificate in Artificial Intelligence, Certificate in Cybersecurity
Associate Degrees: Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology
Bachelor Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Secondary Certification, Bachelor of Arts in Middle Grades Teacher Education with Mathematics Concentration.
Undergraduate Minors: Minor in Archives and Information Science, Minor in Computer Science, Minor in Information Technology, Minor in Mathematics
Pathways to Engineering: Regent's Engineering Pathways Program (REPP), Engineering Dual Degree Program with Georgia Institute of Technology, Associate of Science in Integrative Studies with Concentration in Pre-Engineering
USG Collaboration with Georgia FinTech Academy: Undergraduate concentrations for Information Technology and Mathematics majors in Financial Technologies (FinTech)
Master's Degrees: Master of Archival Studies, Master of Arts in Teaching (Secondary Mathematics), Master of Science in Cyber Technology, Master of Science in Data Science
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College of Information and Mathematical Sciences: Where our students work
CNN, AT&T, Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Coca-Cola, Mailchimp
Computer Science and IT graduate
Chick-fil-A, Suntrust, Fox Theatre, Georgia Archives, University of Pennsylvania Archives,
Quikrete, NASA
Archival Studies graduate
VeriChek, Inc., Clayton State University, CSL Plasma, Public School Systems in Henry,
Fayette, Clayton, Dekalb and Gwinnett counties, Graduate Schools: Clayton State University,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Southern University, University of Georgia
Mathematics Education graduates

"One of the reasons why I was hired is because I’m someone who is technologically curious."
-Aaron Panlilio '16 BS in Information Technology