Master of Archival Studies Admissions
Admission to the Master of Archival Studies program begins with applying through Graduate Admissions.
- Completed Application
- Transcripts –For admission purposes, graduate enrollment services requires Official transcripts from the College and/or institution you received your undergraduate degree award. Must be in a sealed envelope from the institution or sent electronically from the institution directly to graduate@clayton.edu, which is the preferred method. If you graduated from Clayton State University, you do not need to request a copy of your degree award transcript.
- Three (3) Letters of Recommendation required. Letters should comment on the applicant's potential for success in a graduate academic program. At least one letter should be from a previous professor or someone who can comment on the applicant's academic performance and/or ability.
- A Statement of Purpose that is no more than two (2) typewritten pages, single-spaced.
The statement should describe the applicant's pertinent and professional experience
and education, as well as their interests and goals in pursuing the Master of Archival
Studies degree.
- Application Essay: The essay should be 750 to 1,000 words (approximately two to three pages, double spaced). It should be a well-organized narrative, not a sequence of questions and answers. The ideas should be organized logically, building on each other, and demonstrate your ability to write at the graduate level. It should cover the following: What is an archives? Consider the differences that distinguish archives from libraries, museums, and other cultural memory organizations. Discuss the kinds of materials archives collect and how they differ from the what libraries and museums collect. Explain the role archives serve within an organization, community, or society. Describe how archives are changing in the digital era. What does an archivist do? Consider the differences among archivists and other information professions, such as librarians, records managers, museum curators, and information technologists. Distinguish an archivist’s work from that of a historian. Describe tasks archivists perform when working with records, and the knowledge and skills do archivists need to perform those tasks. What are your professional goals? Consider the kind of work do you want to do as an archivist and the types of archives you might work in. Describe the kinds of activities do you see yourself doing five or ten years after graduating.
- All application materials must be submitted the Office of Graduate Admissions. Submit required application documentation to graduate@clayton.edu.
- Criminal Background Check (if admitted). For residents of Georgia: Georgia Criminal Information Center. For residents outside of Georgia: the appropriate state criminal background check.
Additional admissions requirements, including GPA minimums and graduate exam scores, can be found in the Clayton State University Academic Catalog.
If you have questions about the graduate admission process, please send an e-mail to graduate@clayton.edu or contact Graduate Enrollment Services at (678) 466-4113.
Additional Requirements
Students may begin the program in the fall and spring semesters