Promotion and Tenure
As the University’s Faculty Handbook states, each academic department is responsible for determining what constitutes evidence for promotion and/or tenure (Section
Departmental Promotion & Tenure Guidelines
- School of Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics, SoS common (pending approval))
- English
- Film, Communication and Performing Arts
- Humanities
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Psychology
- Social Sciences
- Teacher Education
Departmental Production/Publication Standards
To specify the types of activity that merit production/publication credit, some departments’ guidelines refer to the Promotion & Tenure Production/Publication Standards used by the College prior to 2014. Other departments have devised their own standards, which supersede this list.
College-wide Requirements
Candidates in all departments must earn the following number of production/publication credits.
- 2 production/publication credits to move from Assistant to Associate Professor
- 3 production/publication credits to move from Associate to Full Professor
- 1 production/publication credit for each post-tenure review
In addition, all departments must use pages 1 and 3 of the Promotion & Tenure/Post-Tenure Evaluation Form. Page 2 is a sample and should be replaced by the list of evidentiary categories applicable to the candidate’s department.
Resources for the Completion of Required Evaluation Materials
Digital Measures
Summary of Professional Activity Form
Overview of the Faculty Evaluation Process
Lecturers & Senior Lecturers
Overview of Lecturer Promotion Process (2016 - )
Lecturer Faculty Evaluation Summary Form (2012 - )