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MAT with concentration in Elementary Education

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates of this program will be able to:

  1. Diagnoses Learning Needs: The graduate uses a variety of assessment techniques and utilizes appropriate technologies to gather information about students and integrates this information to determine learners' strengths and areas to be developed.
  2. Plans for Student Learning: The graduate integrates knowledge of discipline content, of the nature of the learners, of learning theories, of instructional strategies and of state /local curriculum guides to plan instruction.
  3. Facilitates Student Learning: The graduate implements instructional plans with flexibility and is guided by knowledge of discipline content, of the nature of the learners, of the learning theories and of instructional strategies.
  4. Demonstrates Appropriate Knowledge: The graduate has general knowledge across a broad spectrum of liberal arts and sciences and possesses discipline specific knowledge at a level appropriate for the chosen teaching field.
  5. Fosters Student Well-being to Support Learning: The graduate interacts with students, school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to foster student well-being and learning.
  6. Assumes the Role of Professional Teacher: The graduate acts in accordance with structure, standards and responsibilities of the profession and recognizes the role of the school in supporting a democratic society.


  • EDUC 5101:  Exceptionalities and Cognitive Development (3 hours)
  • EDUC 5100:  Social and Cultural Awareness in Schools (3 hours)
  • EDUC 5110:  Investing Critical & Contemporary Issues in Education (3 hours)
  • EDUC 5049:  Classroom Assessment for Elementary Education (3 hours)
  • EDUC 5070: Theoretical & Pedagogical Approaches to Literacy Instruction in Elem Educ (3 hours)
  • EDUC 5406: English Language Arts (ELA) Methods: Language & Literacy in Elem- P5 (3 hours)
  • EDUC 5405: Social Studies Methods for Elementary Education (3 hours)
  • EDUC 5407: Science Methods for Elementary Education (3 hours)
  • EDUC 5050: Geometric & Algebraic Thinking for Elementary Education (3 hours)
  • EDUC 5008: Math Modeling for Elementary Education (3 hours)
  • EDUC 5040:  MAT Practicum (3 hours)
  • EDUC 5045:  MAT Internship (3 hours)