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Parent and Family Association Helping Your Student

Clayton State offers many resources to support your students’ academic pursuits beginning with academic advisement at orientation all the way through the last exam of the last semester of your student’s tenure at Clayton State. 

Academic Catalog and Student Handbook
View the Academic Catalog and Student Handbook

Center for Advising and Retention (CAR)
The Center for Advising and Retention (CAR), located in suite 143 in Magnolia Hall, provides academic advisement to Clayton State undergraduate students.  Click to learn more about how CAR helps your student be successful at Clayton State.

Center for Academic Success
The Center for Academic Success (CAS) offers personalized one-on-one peer tutoring, supplemental instruction, moderated study groups, academic success workshops, multimedia instructional materials, academic coaching and many other events and workshops to help your student be successful.

College of Arts & Sciences
View the College of Arts & Sciences website

College of Business
View the College of Business website

College of Health
View the College of Health website

College of Information and Mathematical Sciences
View the College of Information and Mathematical Sciences website

Degrees and Majors
View the list of degrees and majors

Drop/Add and Withdrawal
Drop/Add is a period of time when students can change their class schedules.  Once the drop/add time period expires and your student needs to “drop” a class, s/he must then “withdraw” from that particular class.  Financial Aid along with tuition and fees are automatically adjusted during the Drop/Add time period.  Students are financially responsible for all classes that are on his/her schedule at the end of Drop/Add.

Students who find later in the semester they need to “withdraw” from one or more classes will receive a “W” which has no impact on the GPA IF s/he withdraws before mid-term.  Students who “withdraw” from one or more classes after mid-term will receive a “WF” which is counted as a zero in calculating the GPA.  There can be implications on financial aid and scholarships anytime a student withdraws from a class.  Before withdrawing students should contact Financial Aid to find out if there are possible implications on their financial aid or scholarships.  View more information on withdrawals.

Honor’s Program
View the honor's program website

View the library website

University Calendars
View the university calendars

The Writers’ Studio   
The Writers’ Studio, located in Room 224 in the Arts and Sciences Building, works with students, online or in person, to enhance their writing through 30 or 60 minute sessions.  Students also learn more about writing through Write-Right Workshops offered in Fall and Spring semesters.  Sample workshops are Common Comma Conundrums and Avoiding Plagiarism.

The Bursar's Office is where students can manage their student accounts for billing, tuition & fee payment, refunds, and financial aid.

Visit the Bursar's website

Location - Edgewater Hall Room 278

Phone - (678) 466-4295

Email the Bursar's office

Tuition and Fee Calculator

For incoming freshman students, college often marks the time when they begin making their own health care decisions.  During this learning process, your student may not communicate as much with you about illness or other health care issues.  Parents and families often have questions or concerns about health care services available to their student.  Below are some helpful links for the health-related services available on campus.

Clayton State offers first year students with an exceptional on campus living experience. Residents are minutes by foot away from their classes, the library, exercise facilities, an all-you-can-eat dining hall, and campus activities such as lectures and a plethora of student organizations and events. Living on campus is the best way for your student to make that all important, and sometimes difficult, transition from high school and acclimate to college life. Visit the links below to learn more about housing, residence life, and dining.

Becoming involved on campus has many benefits for your student. First, busier students generally do better in their academics. More free time does not equal better grades. Also, being involved on campus can help your student develop transferable skills such as time management, leadership, effective ways to work in groups and work solo, and it can help them discover yet-to-be-known passions and strengths. Clayton State offers a number of ways for your student to become active both in the classroom and on campus.

Clayton State’s Department of Public Safety is a full service law enforcement agency that works diligently to provide a safe and secure environment that is conducive to all facets of learning. Crime prevention programs are offered through the year and our officers patrol the campus on foot, bicycle and car to ensure all parts of campus are covered. In 2016 ranked Clayton State number twenty-two in campus safety in the United States. Visit the following links to learn more.

Location - Edgewater Hall Suite 207

Public Safety website

Phone - (678) 466-4050

Rave/Guardian mobile app
Rave Guardian is a mobile phone app that enhances the safety of the campus community through real time interactive features that creates a virtual safety network.  The service is free to all students, faculty, and staff.  Rave Guardian features;

  • A panic button
  • 911 activation link to the nearest 911 center
  • Tip Texting
  • Personal guardian and safety timer

We ask parents to highly encourage their student to download the app.  Download the app by following these easy instructions:

  • Go to your app store and search Rave Guardian
  • Download the app
  • Follow the prompts to enter your students’ Clayton State email address and set-up a password.
  • Follow prompts to set-up a four digit pin.
  • Include as much personal information as you want to provide, BUT minimally include a selfie.

Your student may never need to activate Rave Guardian, but if s/he does, your student will be prepared!

Rave Guardian

Technology – Need to know what minimum requirements are needed to purchase a laptop for your student, or how to respond if you get a panicked call saying their computer is not working and a paper is due, all your student has to do is contact The HUB.  The HUB is Clayton State’s help desk and they provide a variety of information and services ranging from D2L tutorials to software installation and support.

Need to know when finals are scheduled or when the campus closes for holidays? Use the links below to find out these things and more.

If you get a call from your student saying s/he has a problem (code for I’m in trouble!), you need answers and you need them now.  Clayton State has defined processes and procedures to address personal and academic conduct issues, student complaints, as well as a number of resources to help with stress management, alcohol and drugs, stress management, and other personal issues.