Orientation Attendance, Fees, and Preparation FAQs
New Student Orientation is required for all new degree-seeking students, including freshman, transfer, and nontraditional students.
Undergrad students who have not been admitted cannot register for orientation. Admitted students are eligible to register for orientation, starting the day after their admission decision date. Check your application status.
Transient students, post-baccalaureate students, readmitted students, and students in certificate programs are not required to complete undergraduate orientation. Ineligible students may still view the Orientation modules.
Dual Enrollment students can find more info about orientation on their New Student Checklist.
Graduate students can find more info about orientation on the Graduate Admissions site.
In addition to helping you learn more about campus, orientation is a critical first step to register for your first semester of classes. (If you do not attend/complete your orientation session, you cannot register for classes.)
Remember orientation fees are non-refundable, so choose your session wisely. Also, consider these options:
- CHANGE ORIENTATION SESSION - Once registered, you may request to change your orientation session as long as the requested session is for the same semester. Fill out the Orientation Session Change Request Form to request your session be transferred if you:
- are already registered and you would like to transfer your registration.
- are more than 30 minutes late or miss your scheduled orientation.
- CONSIDER MINI-MESTER CLASSES - If you cannot finish orientation by the deadline but still wish to begin in Fall or Spring, consider joining Clayton State for Next Wave.
We understand that sometimes things happen and plans change. Since Orientation fees are non-refundable, it may help to consider all of your options before making a decision.
- CONSIDER MINI-MESTER CLASSES - If you cannot finish orientation by the deadline but still wish to begin in Fall or Spring, consider joining Clayton State for Next Wave.
- START AT CLAYTON STATE LATER - If you cannot attend any of the sessions for your term, consider joining Clayton State
for a later term.
Use the Change of Semester form to update your term then return to Dates and Fees to register for the next available orientation session.
- WITHDRAW YOUR APPLICATION - If you've made plans to attend another school or no longer wish to attend Clayton
State, let us know and we'll void your application for admission and remove you from
the mailing list for admitted students.
Use the Application Withdrawal form to cancel your application to Clayton State.
Select the day you register for Orientation. Don't worry, this is a self-paced online session, so you do not have to complete Online Orientation the same day you register.
However, we recommend completing Online Orientation as soon as possible because the sooner you complete Orientation, the sooner you will be registered for classes.
No, this Online Orientation is self-paced. There is no online meeting required.
However, please note that there is a completion deadline for submitting your quiz, which is published on the the Dates and Fees page. Be sure to check the deadline and stay on track!
You will receive a confirmation message with a link to your Online Orientation Completion Quiz. Submitting the quiz completes your Online Orientation and gives our advising team the information they need to create your class schedule.
Have your Laker ID ready and your student email open to authenticate the quiz. You must activate your student account before accessing your email. Contact The HUB IT Helpdesk if you have trouble with your student account.
For students, fees are due at the time of quiz submission. For hybrid registrants, guest fees are due upon registration.
You can pay the orientation fee online using a debit or credit card. We are unable to process registration or payment by phone or mail.
No, orientation does not have an overnight requirement.
However, some orientation dates may align with Housing move-in dates. All first-time and transferring * freshman students (who have earned less than 30 credit hours) are required to live on-campus in Laker Hall for the fall and spring semesters. Learn more about freshman housing policies.
For more info about on-campus housing options, requirements, and move-in dates, contact University Housing and Residence Life.
All on-campus sessions require:
- comfortable shoes
- an official picture ID
- your Laker ID number
- any remaining and outstanding documents that you need to turn in to the Office of Admissions
Freshman students: Review the checklist of items to bring for your move-in date.
See Dates & Fees page for the guest fee breakdown.
Yes, due to limited laptops on campus, you may bring your own device. Laptop policy.
Resolving Common Account Holds FAQs
We can accept your transcripts in-person, by mail, or electronically.
You may mail or deliver your transcripts to:
Office of Recruitment and Admissions
Edgewater Hall, Suite 150
2000 Clayton State Boulevard
Morrow, GA 30260-0285
We currently accept electronic transcripts from E-Transcript providers such as:
- Parchment
- Clearinghouse
- GAfutures
- eSCRIP (for students with existing eSCRIP accounts)
Submit the Verification of Lawful Presence Submission Form.
VOLP documents include, but are not limited to, Georgia driver's license, birth certificate, or U.S. passport. View a full list of acceptable VOLP documents here.Submit the Certificate of Immunization and TB Screening Form.
For best service, please do not send immunization forms to the Office of Admissions.
Students must complete the Registration Agreement prior to signing up for classes.
Still Need Help?
Check out Orientation Help for a list of solutions for common issues students may experience during and after registration. Don't see what you're looking for?
Feel free to contact our Orientation Student Helpdesk. We are happy to help answer any questions about New Student Orientation that you or your family may have. To best assist you, please share the following details:
- your full name
- your Laker ID
- a description of the issue and the date you experienced it
- a screenshot of the webpage where you encountered the error (if applicable)
To ask questions about accessibility or request accommodations, please contact Disability Services .