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Solomon Amendment

The Solomon Amendment is a federal law (10 U.S.C. §983) that allows military recruiters to access some address, biographical, and academic program information on students aged 17 and older who have not filed any FERPA restrictions.

The Department of Education has determined the Solomon Amendment supersedes most elements of FERPA. An institution is therefore obligated to release data included in the list of “student recruiting information,” which may or may not match CSU’s FERPA directory information list.


“Solomon Amendment Information” also called “Solomon Information” or "Student Recruitment Information"

Information Released:

  • Name
  • Mailing address
  • Clayton State Student email address
  • Telephone number
  • Major
  • Date of Birth
  • Class Level
  • Enrollment Time Status

Procedure for releasing information to military recruiter:

Under the Solomon amendment, information will be released for military recruitment purposes only. The military recruiters may request student recruitment information once each term or semester for each of the six branches of the service:

  • U.S. Army: Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard
  • U.S. Navy: Navy, Navy Reserve
  • U.S. Air Force: Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Air Force National Guard
  • U.S. Marine Corps: Marine Corps, Marine Corps Reserve
  • U.S. Coast Guard: Coast Guard, Coast Guard Reserve
  • U.S. Space Force

The request should be submitted formally in writing identifying the name, contact information and branch of service of the recruiter requesting the student recruitment information. Requests may be sent to

The request should specify whether the information needed is for the current or previous semester. Requests for upcoming semesters cannot be filled until a minimum of 3 weeks after the institution’s drop add date. Questions regarding the release of this information should be directed to