Employer Information Sessions
An Employer Information Session is a structured presentation that a potential employer gives to a group of students. Students are able to learn detailed information about the organization, jobs and careers within the organization, current and future trends in the industry. Career and Professional Development schedules the time, coordinates the space reservation, and publicizes the information session to students. To schedule an employer information session contact the Office of Career and Professional Development at (678) 466-5400 or email career@clayton.edu. There is no charge for employers or students.
Employer Information Session Dates are available for a limited number of select dates during each semester. Employer Information Sessions are usually scheduled on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays.
- Schedule an employer information session a minimum of four weeks in advance. This allows adequate time to reserve space and publicize the event.
- Must not solicit or sell products or services during the information session or during any recruiting events.
- Reschedule or cancel information session no later than 24 business hours before session begins.
- Adhere to federal and Georgia EEO guidelines.
- Final approval to use Clayton State’s facilities and services rests with the Director of Career and Professional Development and may be revoked if these policies or the NACE Principles for Professional Practice are violated.